Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

After ten minutes of continuous arguing, we finally decided that the best idea would be to go and get butter chicken for Jack, who had become a very happy boy.

So, after sitting in Jack's car for another fifteen minutes waiting for his food, the rest of us started to get a little bit annoyed. He had a stupid rule that you weren't allowed to eat in his car, so we had quickly cooling Mc Donald's sitting in our laps, the fatty, delicious smells taunting us.

"Where are we going to now guys?" Jack asked from the drivers seat, the smell of butter chicken creating very unhappy teenagers.

"Cameron's apartment. Hurry, I think Nash is going to go insane if he doesn't eat something soon," Genevieve joked as Jack began to drive, Nash glaring at the seat in front of him.

I was sandwiched between Cameron and Nash, both of whom weren't talking. Not to me, not to Jack or Genevieve, and especially not to each other.

I shuffled uncomfortably before giggling, earning me an inquisitive, slightly agitated glance from Cameron.

"You know what I'm surprised about?" I paused as Nash raised a dark eyebrow at me, the first time he'd looked my way in a while.

"What?" he muttered, seemingly disinterested, but even Jack was glancing at me in the rear-view mirror with heavy curiosity.

"That you didn't get a Happy Meal. You seemed to like the one Cameron bought you." I struggled to hold in my giggles as Nash scowled at me, and I could feel Cameron shaking next to me.

"It's his go-to meal when he's drunk." Cameron grinned at me as Nash's mood worsened, his eyes darkening with it. "Considering he's such an angry drunk, it's the perfect thing to eat."

"Fuck you," Nash grumbled, pushing himself so hard up against the car that it was like he was trying to become the door.

It got incredibly awkward, very quick. Nash and Cameron were back to sulking, Genevieve and Jack were sending each other not-so-subtle looks, and me... Well I was the cause of it all.

We sped through the streets, the neighbourhoods getting less and less flash as we went. Hang on, I thought he was rich, like Nash?

Don't get me wrong, it was still in a much better neighbourhood than Lani and I's place, but I had expected a lot more.

Jack pulled into the parking lot of a beaten up building, almost in as bad a condition as my apartment block.

"There are some really awesome people here," Cameron murmured to me as we climbed the stairs to his floor. "Then you have the stoners and the ones that are into the harder drugs. But mostly people are cool."

My heart fluttered in my chest as he gave me a warm smile, even his eyes lighting up.

"Most people in my building are drop-kicks." Cameron's smile turned into a grin as he unlocked his door, and I caught Nash glaring at him.

Cameron glanced over his shoulder, catching the look Nash was giving him, and his smile quickly dropped.

As soon as we entered his apartment, I understood the true meaning of the saying "It's what's on the inside that counts".

His apartment was sleek and classy, the walls painted black and white to match most of the furniture. The floors had been lined with what looked like the most comfortable carpet in the world.

"Wow," I said as we walked further into his living room.

"I know, right? He has a strange talent for decorating," Genevieve teased, sending a sly, light hearted wink in Cameron's direction.

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