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I opened the door to our house and one of my uncle's security guards carried my luggage inside. I thanked the security guard and he nodded before leaving the house.

"Uncle Kemal!" I called loudly into the house.

"We're in here, kızım (my daughter)." Uncle Kemal's voice came from the living room. Who's we? I frowned before going into the living room. My eyes almost bulged out of their sockets when I saw the person I never thought I'd see again, sitting next to my uncle.

"Ozan?" I asked with a frown on my forehead and he got up from his seat before walking over to me.

"It's good to see you too. My beautiful wife." Ozan said before wrapping his arms around me and I just stood there dumbfounded.

"Ozan-- Hoş geldin (welcome), what are you doing here?" I asked in confusion.

"Merhaba (hello), Gianna. Didn't your uncle tell you, sweetheart?" He asked and my frown only deepened.

"Tell me what?" I asked before looking at uncle Kemal.

"You're marrying Ozan Yıldırım in three months time. And in the meantime Ozan will be staying with us." Uncle Kemal said and my eyes widened.

"No he's not. We're not getting married. You're joking, right?" I asked in pure shock and uncle Kemal only shook his head before handing a letter over to me.

I took the letter from him and my heart sunk into the pit of my stomach when I saw that it was my mom's handwriting, I've been reading her letters and books for years now, that's how I know.

My mom wanted me to marry Ozan Yıldırım.

What about Viktor? My Viktor. I won't hurt him by marrying Ozan Yıldırım even if it is what my parents would've wanted.

"No!" I said while looking at Ozan and uncle Kemal. "The only man I'm marrying one day is Viktor Tchaikovsky." I said before walking away from them.

"You have to be kidding me, right? He doesn't even look at you like that." Uncle Kemal said from behind me.

"Actually he does." I said pointedly.

"Well he didn't a week ago. He called you a kid, Gia. He saw you as my kid niece." Uncle Kemal said and I froze in my spot. "His opinion about you only changed because I convinced him otherwise." He said and I kept quiet.

"Be with Ozan he'll provide for you." My uncle said and I wanted to yell at him. "He's one of the richest and most honorable men in Istanbul, you can go back home like you've always wanted to." He said and I shook my head at him.

"Yes Gia. Ozan will be good to you. For heaven's sake you two were so happy together back in Istanbul. You have to forget about Viktor or you'll only end up getting hurt kızım." Uncle Kemal pleaded with me.

"Stop telling me what to do. I'm not forgetting anyone just because you snapped your fingers and told me to." I said getting worked up. People always take my kindness for weakness and I never expected uncle Kemal to be one of those people.

"This is what your parents wanted." Uncle Kemal said and I squeezed my eyes shut.

"They're dead uncle Kemal! I'm sorry but I'm not marrying a man like Ozan because of a letter that my mom wrote more than ten years ago. I'm not in love with Ozan. I won't marry a man who treated me like crap when we were together." I said before walking away from my uncle.

When I got into my room my phone started ringing. I walked over to my nightstand where my phone was buzzing and found that it was Viktor calling me.

A tear rolled down my cheek as I answered the phone.

"Hello my love." Viktor said in a husky tone so I wiped my tears away.

"Hey." I said softly.

"So my mom and dad are in town and I wanted you to meet them. Before they go back to Russia, what do you say?" He asked and I gulped guiltily.

"When do you want me to meet them?" I asked before looking up at the ceiling to stop myself from crying.

"Tonight, I'll come pick you up myself." He said and I pressed my lips together.

"I'll be ready." I said softly.

"I'll see you tonight." He said before ending the call and I started crying uncontrollably. I placed both of my hands on my mouth to stop myself from sobbing loudly.

The last thing I want is for everyone in the house to hear me crying. I don't even know why I'm crying. I tiredly stepped into my shower and washed away all the bad things.

I know I'll feel better once I'm with Viktor.

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