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I laid on the couch while a blanket covered my legs. I think my uncle is in a meeting with our mafia right now, who knows.

Just as I pushed that thought to the back of my head the door opened. I sat upright while staring at the door and my uncle came walking out from behind it.

"Kızım." My daughter. Uncle Kemal said in a greeting manner and I smiled before resting my head back on my pillow.

"Hoş geldin." Welcome. I said softly.

"How was your first day at work?" He asked before sitting down on the couch across from me.

"Definitely weird." I said and my uncle smiled at me. "How was your first day at work without me there?" I asked him.

"Strangely the world didn't end." He said and I chuckled. "I thought it would when people couldn't stop asking me where you were." He said and I sighed.

"That's just the Gia effect." I said proudly and my uncle laughed.

"Yes kiddo, you're making a great impact on this world." He said softly. "Your parents would have been proud of you." He added and I nodded.

"I'm sure they would." I said with a soft smile on my face. "Were you with the mafia?" I asked and he nodded.

"Apparently the Marroquín's have a business proposal for us." He said and I frowned. I've heard that phrase twice today.

"Apparently?" I asked and uncle Kemal nodded.

"They might have one but we don't make deals with people like them, Kızım." My uncle said blankly.

"Tamam, tamam." Alright, alright. I said as he's become way too serious.

"Hopefully they'll take no for an answer." Uncle Kemal said tiredly.

"What happens if they don't?" I asked curiously.

"War." He said blankly.

"Alah alah." I said under my breath. And my uncle waved my words away with his hand.

"I put your food in the refrigerator." I said before placing my focus back on the tv.

"Teşekkürler." Thank you. Uncle Kemal said and I heard him walking upstairs. A frown rested on my forehead. Because whoever these twins are, they sound really awful.

* * *

The next morning I woke up in my bed, I don't remember how I got here but I think uncle Kemal brought me to my room.

I climbed out of bed before opening my large curtains. I slowly walked into my bathroom before taking a long shower. When I was done I wrapped a towel around my body before opening the door and entering my room.

I blow dried my long black hair before walking into my closet. I closed the door behind me before pulling out a pair of black pants, I paired it with a royal blue cross over crop top.

I grabbed a black blazer before slipping some high heels on and walking out of my closet. I did some light make-up before pulling my hair into a ponytail. I grabbed my little Prada bag before going downstairs.

"Good morning!" Uncle Kemal said as soon as he saw me.

"Günaydın." Good morning. I said with a smile on my face but my smile soon vanished when I spotted Mr Tchaikovsky standing next to my uncle with a cup of coffee in his hand. "Günaydın, I mean good morning." I said and he smiled at me.

"Good morning, Miss Doğulu." He said in a smooth voice.

"Uncle Kemal?" I called and my uncle hummed in response. "What is my boss doing in our kitchen?" I asked and Mr Tchaikovsky raised a single eyebrow at my question.

"He was in the neighborhood kızım and he was kind enough to come by and offer you a ride to work." Uncle Kemal explained and I frowned at Mr Tchaikovsky who was smirking at me in accomplishment.

"He was in the neighborhood?" I asked and my uncle nodded.

"Well I emailed you your schedule and you have a meeting with Mr Shay at eight thirty, you're meeting Mr Cashé at ten and then you have a board meeting at twelve. And the rest of your day consists of office work." I said and uncle Kemal placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Thanks peanut." He said and I blushed at the embarrassing nickname.

"We have to go, peanut." Mr Tchaikovsky said and I glared at my uncle in anger which only caused him to chuckle.

Mr Tchaikovsky placed his hand on the small of my back as we walked out of uncle Kemal's mansion together.

"Do you want me to go over your schedule for the day?" I asked him and he nodded while holding my door open for me.

"Well you have a meeting with the Marroquín's." I started.

"That's right now." He said before making a left turn and my eyes widened.

"You have another meeting at nine with Mr Wong. At ten we have to work on the Bars project." I said softly.

"Is that it?" He asked blankly.

"Yes the rest of your day consists of office work. I'll let you know if anything comes up." I said pointedly.

"That's good." He said before stopping in front of a beautiful restaurant. He came over and opened my door for me so I thanked him. I silently followed him into the restaurant before taking my sunglasses off and placing them into my bag.

We walked into a private room and I cleared my throat uncomfortably. I hate private rooms, they're so secluded and suspicious.

We entered the room and there were two identical men waiting for us inside.

I'll update on Monday.❤️

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