Chapter 2

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"Get away from him!" The female voice from earlier shrieked. There was now quite a few cracks in the wall from the big guy being thrown into it. My fault. I was ready to absolutely beat this bastard into a pulp, but was abruptly held back by the prime. Stupid autobots. I cursed at them aloud, but they couldn't hear. This visor was starting to get rather annoying. I wanted them to hear every curse and word I spat at them. But to no avail. I struggled against the primes grip, but he just pulled me further away. Maybe attacking wasn't such a good idea, noted.

"Stand down!" The prime demanded. Oh hell no! I wasn't gonna take orders from an autobot, let alone a prime! Struggling more, I managed to get a servo loose. It was the arm that had the whip in it, but I didn't want to give that weapon away just yet. Shoving myself away from the prime, I stepped back away from them all, watching them incase they wanted to make a move. I was ready to attack, but was it smart to attack some more? No, that'd only make the consequences of my actions worse, and it'd be harder to escape. But I could manage to escape if I used my sound blasters- No! I don't want to give any weapons away just yet, plus I can't take on all of them at once. No more thinking! I'll just let them take me, give them a bit of a fight, and escape whenever I have the chance! Whatever gets me out of here and away from these wretched autobots.


I fought against the restraints but they wouldn't budge. Unfortunately, they didn't have any cells, so I was strapped down to a medical berth. Where I could be watched 24/7. Great. I put up more then just a bit of a fight, the prime now had a huge gash on his arm, Bulkhead was a bit dizzy after being thrown into that wall so he stayed out of the fight, the yellow bot only got a couple scratches, I didn't even touch the femme. She pinned me and restrained me, but I was gonna get her back. The medic, Ratchet, he was too busy with bulkhead. I did learn they had humans here, which meant this was earth. I knew alot about earth. The female voice was a young earthling, Miko. She was quite worried about Bulkhead, she had an emotional attachment to him, yuck. I only caught a glimpse of the human, but apparently there were two others. I didn't quite catch their names, but they were told to stay away from me, and that they needed to spend more time outside of the base where they could be safe, and so that the bots can figure out what to do with me. This was not going to be an easy escape. "We can't keep him here! He attacked bulkhead over one insult!" The femme voice cried. He? I stopped pulling on the restraints and listened in.

"Well we can't throw him out either, he'll be spotted by humans! Or worse, go to the decepticons." Bulkhead argued. Like hell I'd go to the cons.

"Even so, if Bulkhead refrained from insulting our guest, it would've prevented the overreaction." OVERREACTION!? The prime continued on, "they'll stay here under our watch until we can ensure they won't inflict anymore casualties." Oh this fucking bi-

"But what about the kids? We can't just keep them out of the base, what if cons find them!?" The yellow bot.. buzzed?

"Bee, the kids will be fine, they'll have us." The femme replied, wait was this buzzing, yellow and black bot named bee? Like a Bumblebee? That's so fucking stupid. I gave the restraints a tug, they wouldn't budge.

"When I get out of these restraints, I will have all your goddamn heads!" I yelled, they couldn't hear me. I stopped. Okay, okay okay. I needed to stay calm, level headed, don't lash out. Just escape at the perfect moment. Gain their trust if you have to. Oh, this was gonna be hell. I put on some music to tune them out, and closed my optics. I had no intention on falling asleep, I still felt all amped up from the fight. I just needed to relax..


It must've been a while, there wasn't anybody in the main part of the base. Weird, since I was suppose to be on constant servalience, which they were totally doing a good job at. A few left on patrol or recon, I think it was just the medic and humans here, perhaps he left the room to go grab or do something. I felt an odd pitter patter going up my arm, turning off the music and turning to look. Seeing the humans. "Miko!" The taller earthling cried out to.. Miko, the femme earthling, as a shorter human followed in pursuit of the two.

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