Chapter 1

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Dark. I couldn't see anything, or hear anything. Groaning as I pushed myself up and reached to rub my optics, not being able to with the visor in the way. Wait, visor? Retracting my visor, the world brightened immediately, hissing at the sudden light. I rubbed an optic, sitting on my knees. Where was I? The place was.. green. The sun shined brightly over the.. trees? What in primus. Where was I? It looked familiar. Trees and green. So not cybertron, fortunately. I'd rather be here then being chased down by officers. But how'd I get here? I got up, looking at my surroundings. There were quite a few trees to my side and to my other side it had little to no trees. Very grassy, soft grass. It seemed I was at the edge of a.. forest, if I was correct.

"What the fuck.." I mumbled, bewildered by it all. The place actually looked quite pretty, the way the sun shined on the trees and ground. It was honestly beautiful. And blinding. My visor slid back into place and gladly dimed the lights of my surroundings. Deciding to step into the forest, the trees towered over me as I went further in.

After a while of just walking through the forest, I got bored. Sure it was beautiful, with its gorgeous flowers that contained all types of colors, and the occasional deer who'd scamper away at the sight and sound of me. Honestly it was amusing. Still boring though. It wouldn't hurt to play a little music, right? Starting to play a favorite song of mine, of course if anybody was around the wouldn't hear, it was a bit weird how it worked, but I was glad in a way. I could listen to music whenever and nobody would know! It was enjoyable. Bopping my head ever so slightly to the beat of it as I ventured into the forest. It was getting incredibly boring.

I yawned, I had zero idea how long I've been walking and I was bored out of my mind. Atleast my music made this slightly more fun, or just less boring. But I know eventually I'll get bored listening to the same songs and walking through the same forest. Though I could never get bored of these songs, not for a long time atleast. My audial fins flicked as I picked up some sound. Was it the natives of this planet? Shutting off the music, I started to head towards the sound quietly, I crouched by a bush that was quite away and up high from the sounds. It was obvious what it was now. Shooting, and fighting. Metal against metal. Other cybertronians? Highly unlikely but.. there they were.

"How.. what!?" I whisper yelled to myself as I watched them. Zooming in on them, the visor had such settings which I was thankful for. After watching for a bit, I realized. Autobots versus Decepticons. They were fighting over something. But what? Maybe I could nab it so neither of them get it. I chuckled darkly at the thought. They'd think the other would have it, when I had it all along. It's funny just thinking about how they'd be blaming eachother and trying to get the thing for themselves. Greedy little-

"Hands up con!" A voice demanded from behind me. HOLY- I nearly shrieked at the suddenness, whipping around to see a green bot. Autobot? Decepticon? Whatever side they was on, it didn't matter, both sides could eat a dick. "Soundwave?" The bot questioned. This shit again!? I get this alot, I'm not even the same color as the guy! Taking the opportunity, I swept his legs and quickly took off. Not daring to go down the hill where everyone else was. I was certainly not ready to be spotted by them. The bot was already up and shooting at me. Damnit! Sound blasters weren't functional at the moment. Even if they were, my energon levels were to low to activate them, but atleast my energon levels were fine enough for me to summon my whip. Pain flared up throughout my body, sending me flying to the ground. The damn bot shot me in the back!

"Bulkhead!" Another bot ran up. Reinforcements? The bot tackled 'bulkhead' to the ground. Nope. But gives me the perfect opportunity to make a run for it. Getting up, slowly. Damnit! I was lower on energon then I thought, and I was just shot in the back so that doesn't help. I attempted to push myself up, but was abruptly shoved back down. A pede now on my back right where I was shot. Fucking ow! I yelped, they couldn't hear. Thank God for the silencer the visor provided.

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