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Eriola Idowu

While we prepared for the beach, Inioluwa and I who I wasn't aware was going before. If I had known she would go, I would not have her agreed to go. I thought she and bro Tayo were fighting ni.

Anyways, while we prepared, there was a knock on the door which I answered. Standing before me was bro Tayo with a shopping bag.

"Where is Ini?" He asked me.

"Which of them?" I asked in reply.

"Me obviously, dummy". Inioluwa said from where she sat annoying the shit out of me.

I could have given her another hot slap in that moment but yesterday was one drama filled day, I didn't want to be in another of my dad's black book.

She walked majestically to the door as if she were some Queen of some sort. I just hissed and left the door to pack my own load while I stylishly noticed how bro Tayo gave her the shipping bag.

I even wonder where he got money to be buying things for her. Maybe it was even him that bought the expensive looking round-neck she was wearing and crazy jeans sef, who knows.

"For the beach" he told her.

"Awwwn... thank you baby". She replied making me scoff. Thank you baby, lenu omo 15 years old( coming from a 15-year-old kid).

I'm not an hypocrite please. Yes I like Benson, yes I would love if he liked me too but do I want to start dating him? No! It's just too early to have a boyfriend or not. Anyways, I'm just pissed off by their silly "relationship".

I packed my beach wear, a long chiffon dress that buttoned down up to my belly bottom and a shirt to wear beneath. I wore a black crop top and boyfriend jeans with fancy slippers.

Benson promised to get me a bucket hat but I carried one with me just in case he forgot. All of us sha got ready and left the house. Bro Tayo ordered Uber that carried us to the junction.

I did not even know that they chattered a car sha, rich kids. A part of me was even beginning to wonder who funded this hangout, it was definitely not my poor brother. Or wait..... were we going to pay transport fare? Me that I have only 1,500 in my pocket nko?

"Bro Tayo will you pay my t-fare?" I asked my brother who looked at me like I spoke Chinese.

"Everybody has paid for the hangout nau? Shey you did not know?" Bro Tayo asked me.

"How will she know, when is Benson that is doing everything for her?" Inioluwa said from beside him. I held it in once more but I told myself that would be the last time for the day.

"Benson paid her 10k? Wawu!" My brother said not so surprised but for me, I was very surprised! So they paid 10k for this! Jesus!

We entered the car and every other person was already there. Bro Tayo and Ini sat beside each other next to bro Jason who was talking nonstop on his phone with his mom.

There were only two spaces left in the car, one was beside Dayo and the other beside Benson. I was torn between sitting with Benson or Dayo that invited me. I even thought of going to the from seat but then I saw they packed carton of drinks there already.

Deciding put shame in one corner, I just sat down beside Benson jeje. I did not even know that they were all watching me, as I sat down like this they all shouted "ooooooo".

Wahala, what is all these one bayii.

"Our 30k" bro Jason said, asking Dayo who seemed so disappointed. I began wondering what 15k.

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