Amanda looks at him. Everyone else rolls their eyes in frustration cause clearly that isn't the most important thing to talk about right now. "When I was standing by the table waiting for Sam to readjust the Rempod for a second time, something about his aura changed so I looked up at him to ensure I wasn't just being paranoid and saw the thing that latched onto him at the hotel..." Amanda said in a distant manner as she hugged herself, the horrible memory engulfing her mind.

~Sam POV~
"What? What the fuck does that mean?! Ugh- not the fucking time!" I think as I ignore what Amanda is saying and hurridly give everyone their coats and rush them into wearing them so we can start heading towards the centre entrance. We get out of the Asylum door and start walking the route even more creepier cause we were no longer alone in the asylum.

We reach the entrance.

"Look around for anything out of the ordinary." I say as I start searching around the areas where we set the rempods. The group soon follows suit with Amanda and Nate checking the areas where we walked around with the cameras and Seth, Josh and Mackie checking the table.

[5 minutes Later]
"I found something!" Mackie almost shrieks as she pulls out a tablet from a drawer in the table. We all huddle around as she sets it down on the counter part of the table. She opens and luckyus it has no passcode. She opens it with easy swipe across the screen. The homescreen illuminated a deadthly bright light that felt like it would blind us. I impatiently pressed apps trying to look for something.

"Camera and Photos? The fuck?!" I think as I push the icon only to be asked to give a password. We all look at eachother confused.

~No One POV~
"How many numbers is it asking for?" Nate asks grabbing everyones attention. They all look at him as Mackie answers: "6 digits." Everyone starts saying random number combinations as Sam tries each one. Each one is a fail. "Ugh- this is pointless read the god damn message again maybe they said something about a clue or some shit!" Josh says fed up that they've wasted over 15 minutes trying to unlock the god damn app.

Sam opens his phone and reads: "Clue: The day you decided it was time to shine." Everyone looks at him confused. They all start to think what the hell that could mean. Josh starts thinking more closely about the context of the situations they've been and are in. They mostly involve Sam and Colby. "Try the date on which you two started your channel." Josh says thoughtfully as he slowly types in the number: 131114(A/N: 13/11/2014, is the date they uploaded their first video).

Access Granted.

The app finally opens. They all cheer in delight as they scan through the photos. They see the next clue for the second challenge.

"Clue: I thrive in the dark and am not needed in the light. I shine like a million stars in the night." Sam says as he looks at the screen once more to read it once more cause the clue made no god damn sense. They all look at each other. "Well the person said were not allowed to leave the building so this thing must not be outside. It might be here in the building itself. Why not ask them where were supposed to go?" Mackie said a little agitated speaking of the person who is currently holding Colby hostage.

Sam opens his phone.
(Next conversation will be on phone.)

S: We don't understand where were supposed to go. Can you give us another clue?

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