Admiringly Argumentative-Part 1

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⁓Colby POV⁓

Sam and I make our way to the second floor of the suite as we do so my phone starts ringing startling both of us as we jump. He looks at me and smiles walking away to give me some privacy so I can take it. But knowing who was calling made every fibre in my body want to ignore it. I start making my way to our room. Sam is standing at the door which he has now opened with the card. "Why isn't he going in? " I thought to myself making my way behind him. I look inside confused. It was a pretty decent room. Had a master bed, a small green sofa, a bookshelf at the corner and a window seat from which light came through indicating the curtains were open. 

"What is it?" I asked Sam putting my hand on his shoulder to grab his attention. He looked at me with his eyes wide as if he had seen a ghost. He looked away, and chuckled, nervously, before walking in. He shook of my hand from his shoulder as he did so. "Who was calling?" Sam said as he twirled around to look at me. "I'll sleep on the right side of the bed." I said Avoiding his question. He raised his eyebrow and smiled cheekily. "Oooooo you have a secret lover" he said as he sat on the bed, wiggling his eyebrows, I stopped myself from smiling, as I walked away again avoiding the question. "Oh, come on Colb's- You can tell me anything!" he said as he jumped up making his way towards me, poking me in an attempt to annoy me into spilling the information, that I so wanted to keep hidden from him. I try to walk away but he grabs my arm trying to drag me to the now vacant space next to him, failing miserably as I just stood there not moving- he wasn't strong enough to move me. He had been the one driving so it was no surprise he had no strength in him. 

"Sam stop." I said in a stern voice as I yanked my arm away from him. He stood there observing me, before he frowned and looked down. "Oh god." I thought as he sat down on the bed slumping his arms folded peering down at the ground avoiding eye contact with me. "Sam don't be like this." I said slightly giving in. I sat on the bed looking at him. He turned away and huffed, ignoring me. "Fine." I said getting up as I walked away from the bed. "Hey, you're not going to even tell me one small detail!" Sam exclaimed as he turned around swiftly to look at me annoyed at my lack of openness. I was getting slightly ticked off now. I was and am done with this conversation, I can't hear anymore of this. I start to walk out, when Sam says: "Well, fine be a moody baby and walk away." I turned around to look at him infuriated. "WHY SHOULD I SHARE EVERYTHING WITH YOU?! CAN'T SOMETHING BE A SECRET ONCE IN A WHILE!?" he bolted upright from his slumped position on the left of the bed. He still wasn't looking at me. No response. "What Sam? Cat got your tongue?" I scoffed before walking away.

⁓Sam POV⁓

He wasn't budging. I knew he wouldn't tell me and I was okay with that but I still had to take an opportunity to annoy him, it was always the highlight of my day. And so without thinking straight I mumbled in a loud audible way: "Well, fine be a moody baby and walk away." I could feel the sudden change in his emotions as his stare bored into me burning my skin. "Shit." I thought as I froze not wanting to piss him off more than I already had. I did not in any way expect him to say what he said. "WHY SHOULD I SHARE EVERYTHING WITH YOU?! CAN'T SOMETHING BE A SECRET ONCE IN A WHILE!?" I flinched as I sat up straight at the sudden outburst of anger coming from him. I was stunned, Colby never talked to me like that. i didn't respond to him still dazed. "What Sam? Cat got your tongue?" he spat sarcastically before he walked away.

⁓Time Skip⁓

"8:17 pm." I thought. Colby hadn't come back into the room for over an hour. And I didn't have enough energy to go look for him so I stayed in the room unpacking our stuff. I was wondering if he would actually come and sleep in the room next to me or would he just avoid me altogether. I sighed. I looked at the cupboard now filled up with our clothes. Blurry. Everything was blurry. I shut my eyes tightly before reopening them, it was still blurry. I looked around, now feeling light-headed as I set my arms in front of me trying to find the bed. I looked in the direction of the bed as I did so I saw someone standing in the doorway looking at me, I moved back shocked as I did so I fell back, landing on the carpeted floor. Slow steady footsteps came towards me each one less audible as they came closer. I felt my eyes closing before everything went black. 

⁓Colby POV⁓

I was downstairs with Nate and Seth for over an hour helping them unpack, they thanked me for being so helpful but truth be told I was only doing so to keep me distracted from Sam who I assumed would be sleeping by now. Thud. We all looked at one another paralyzed as Amanda whispered in a barely audible tone "Sam." I spun around as quick as I could and sprinted up the stairs everybody else close on my trail. I ran into the room. The first thing my eyes landed on was Sam, lying lifeless on the floor in front of the mirror. I ran to him. I sat down beside him everybody else ramming into the room like deer's running from lions. "Sam!" I whisper shouted as I slapped him softly in an attempts to wake him up. "No!" I heard Mackie say as she walked up to us. "Leave him be, he just fell asleep his body was to tired to give him a warning so he must've fell down." I nodded slightly still not fully believing her. I picked him up bridal style and walked him to his side of the bed, Mackie had pulled away the covers for him. I laid him down and pulled the covers over him. He shifted a little. I smiled, he looked so...peaceful.

⁓No One POV⁓

"Ahem." Amanda fake coughed snapping Colby out of his trance. Colby looked at them as he folded his arms. Silence. "Someone was in here." Amanda said, in a serious tone they all looked at her. "What?" Josh said as they all split up and sat in random places throughout the room. Josh sat in the right window seat, Seth sat on the green sofa. Mackie and Nate sat on the brown sofa in front of the bed. Colby and Amanda stood at their normal positions. "Someone was in here with Sam." Amanda said looking over at Sam who was comfortably sleeping hugging the blanket smiling. "Who?" Colby said as he ran his hand through his hair. Amanda didn't respond. Silence. "What was in here with Sam?" Colby said coldly as he clenched his fist, frustrated. Amanda now looked directly at Colby. "An inhumane spirit." Their eyes widened at the statement. Colby just stood there not moving, not shocked. Just paralyzed.

⁓Colby POV⁓

I was looking directly at Amanda whose statement scared me as I thought to myself "what if it hurt Sam! " I closed my eyes for a second before I opened them as I felt someone grab my hand. I looked down to see Sam holding it with every ounce of strength in his body he was scrunching his face and almost rolling into a ball as if scared. "Amanda" I said looking up at her. "I can't do anything for nightmares Colby, he has to wake up himself." I looked down. I had to be able to do something. "We'll leave you two be." Mackie said as she ushered everyone out of the room. I slowly sat down next to Sam, moving his hair out of his face as I said: "You're okay Sam. I'm here." I caressed his face as he groaned and opened his eyes with a gasp. Shooting straight up hugging his knees. He looked at me, eyes filling with tears. He gulped, trying not to cry as he looked away. I sighed, hugging him. Instantly he looked back clinging on to me as I rubbed my hand on his back attempting to soothe him. He cried on my chest. After a few minutes he calmed down.

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