~Invigorating Invites~

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~Colby POV~
I thought as I got up from the marble flooring and stood next to Josh. I nodded. "We'll be right back. We have to get the snacks from the car." Josh said as he grabbed the backdoor key before walking to the door itelf inorder to unlock it. We get out and he locks it behind me to make sure no one else comes out.

We start going to the car. Josh unlocks the car and oens the trunk, he starts flinging the snacks towards me as I try to catch all of them, sime of them obviously fall down, Josh picks the snacks on the ground up. He closes the trunk up and locks the car.

"So, am I going to have to ask you to tell me what happned or have you forgotten what happened at McDonald's?" Josh said as he leaned against the car waiting for me to gather my thoughts before answering his question. "I don't know how to explain what happened there in words."

I stand outside of the cue waiting for Josh to finish ordering the food. "I'm so hungry!" I think as I take out.my phone to look at my to-do list. "I can tick that off, I still have editingto do on that one, and I haven't gotten to that so I'll put that one on the urgent list. Thats it. I'm done with that."

I look up from my phone to see a old woman staring at me only a few feet away. "Oh my God!" I mumble shocked as I didn't see her come over or at all for that instant. "Even he can't save you." The woman says in a monotone voice as her lips turn into a frown, a fake frown. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I think as I take a step back away from the woman. "Be careful what you do and what you say. She doesn't like to be thought of as prey." The woman says sending chills down my spine. "What the fuck!"

~No One's POV~
Josh walks over and puts his hand on Colby's shoulder startling him. Colby relieved by Josh's knack for good timing, still can't seem to comprehend what the woman said to him. The same woman who has walked out of the establishment, not turning back once.

[•End of Flashback•]

~No One's POV~
Colby still looking for the right words paces around trying to understand how the hell he is going to explain that incident to Josh.

He stops.

~Josh POV~
"Is he going to keep pacing around in the cold or is he going to tell me what happened?" I think as Colby stops walking. He turns around looks me firectly in my eyes and opens his mouth and...closes it back up again.

"Dude! You're killing me here!" I say as I lean my head back on the car in frustration over how time consuming it is for this dumbass to gather his thoughts on a two minute incident.

"Okay, so the woman basically warned me not to think of someone as "prey" or some shit and told me that God won't be able to save me?" Colby said as he made air quotation marks when saying prey. Trying to fathome what the fuck he just said to me, is going to be so much more harder than I thought it was going to be.

"What the hell did you just tell me?! What the fuck does God won't be able to save you mean?!" I say as I straighten up feeling my entire flight or fight response kick in.

Sam walks around the room trying to figure out where to put the small tripod cameras to make sure that they have camera set up everywhere, including the lobbys main room.

"Okay, I think thats a good angle cause it gives us an entire view of the lobby. What do you think Colby-uh-Mackie?" Sam corrected himself in a hurry as Nate, Seth, Mackie and Amanda burst into laughter at the blondes slip up. Sam started laughing as well, as it was pretty funny.

They all got back to work as soon as they were done giggling and laughing. Seth and Nate checked and made sure all the equipment was working. First they tested all three rempods and than the spirit box along with the headphone sets they had.

They were in tip top condition. Which was good.

They started testing the music boxes.

Two of them needed to be calibrated one of them did not.

Seth set down the non-calibration music box in the doorway of the back room and it started going off, no one was near it. So thats not possible unless its a spirit/entity(obviously).

~Amanda POV~
"Hell no." I think as my eyes stride towards the music box which I'm hoping is glitching. I take a quick glance at everyone else before my eyes finally catch a glmpse of the apparition, a child. A young boy. He looks about 7 to 8 years old. "Hello, whats your name?" I ask as politely and kindly as I can in an attempts to not scare him as his energy seems to resonate that profoundly.

He doesn't answer. "Who is it Amanda?" Mackie asks taking away my attention from the boy who is now staring at Seth and Nate who look like their shitting bricks. "Oh god, Imbeciles." I think as I finally return to look at the boy. The rooms getting colder and colder. "He lies." The boy says as he raises his finger to point at the backdoor which is now wide open as Colby walks in with arms full of snacks. I do a full 360 and get back up right as the music box shuts off.

He's gone.

"Nevermind that. What did he mean by Colby is lying?" I think as Colby clumsily sets down all of the snacks onto the couch. "Well looks like were closing the backdoor for good until the first nights investigation is over." Mackie says as she locks the backdoor completely, making sure to also check that its properly locked.

~No One's POV~
Everybody gathers around the couch as Seth and Nate explain the music box incident to Josh and Colby in a very exaggerated and exhilerated manner. Amanda still plagued by the young apparitions statement on Colby can't help but to zone off completely.

 Amanda still plagued by the young apparitions statement on Colby can't help but to zone off completely

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What?" Amanda says as her eyes shoot open. Everybody looks at her concerned, Amanda stays quiet. "Sam could you grab me my book and pen, please?" She finally says still shook up from the clear image. Sam nods and rushes to get her the desired items.

He finally returns handing the book and pen to Amanda who anxiously flips the book open desperately trying to find an empty page. She finds one. She starts writing hurriedly. A few minutes go by and she finally stops. She sighs in relief as everybody lookz at her anticipating what she was in such a hurry to write.

"What was that?" Mackie asks as even she has never seen Amanda act like that after seeing a vision or image. Amanda looks up at her and smiles. "Our first clue to solving the murder of that poor girl!" She says as she holds up the book. It has an address written on it.

They all look confused. "What has the address got to do with the murder?" Colby asks the question that almost everyone in the room was thinking. Amanda laughs nervously, forgetting that she was the only one who saw the image. "Well, its the address of the sheriff that worked on the murder case! The little boy told me that we should come there after were done investigating the first floor of the asylum."

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