~Suprising Start~

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They all walked inside the asylum lobby. It was properly decorated with all the little trinkets you'd find in a decent entrance of a 5 star hotel.

The only thing that seemed odd was that the lobby was colder than the actual temperature outside, which seemed odd as the guide said that they never turn off the radiators completely. So the lobby stays warm.

"Did y'all tell the guide to turn off the heating or some shit, it's freezing!" Josh said as he touched the radiator at the back of the room. Silence. No one spoke a word, they just looked at one another waiting for a response. "The radiator must've shut off or something" said Sam trying to calm everyone's nerves.

The group looked at Sam and nodded in agreement but still didn't believe the statement fully. "I'll go turn it on, you guys stay here." Colby said as he made his way to the staircase which led to the basement of the asylum, where the radiator switch was. He opened the door and started walking down the steps carefully, it was an 18th century building after all.

~Colby POV~
"Jeez. Why the fuck is it so cold? Its not supposed to be this cold, the temperaturs is literally 18°C outside. Ugh, whatever." Sigh. "Okay first I push the select button. Than I push the heating button. Than I push the select temperature button, 21°C. And finally, I push start. Yay. I did it! I'm so proud of myself!"

~No One POV~
Colby walked back to the staircase, pridefull that he actually remembered instructions of something and didn't mess them up. He starts walking up the stairs and finally reaches the door. He swings it open about to tell everyone that he did it....they weren't there, except Sam?

"Okay so now that he's gone, who is ready to set up the prank?" Amanda sais as she smiled cheekily. Sam looked around confused as to what was going on. "Oh, Sam, we forgot to tell you because you fell asleep really early last night. So the prank goes like this we all hide around in the rooms of the lobby and you distract him while we sneak up on him and scare the living daylights out of him." Nate said enthusiastically as he squealed in a silent manner.

Seth, Amanda, and Mackie walked to the back room and hid behind a cabinet, the door, and in a closet, respectively. Whilst Nate hid behind the couch in the main room. "So, how exactly should I distract him?" Sam said nervously as he stopped Josh from hiding with Nate. Josh sighed. "Flirt with him." He said whilst smiling innocently.

~Sam POV~
"What!? Flirt?! With him?! With Colby!? I'm about to lose my shit, wtf!"

{•End of Flashback•}

~Colby POV~
"Hey, dude where are the others?" I asked scanning my surroundings, unsure of what was happening. No response. I walked up to him, looks like he is thinking of something. "Whats up dude?" I said putting my hand on his shoulder, which apparently was offensive cause he pushed me and I fell back hitting my head on the arm of a chair.

"DUDE WHAT THE FUCK?!" I said as I grabbed the back of my head wincing because of the pain. Everyone came running out off random places, after hearing the commotion. "What happened?" Seth asked as he helped me up. I yanked my arm out of Seths hands fuming with anger and frustration. "Colby I...I didn't mean to it was just an accident..." Sam said trying to come closer. I walked away from him, from them. "Shit why does it hurt so much!?"

~No One POV~
"What the fuck was that Sam!?" Josh said confused. Sam said nothing. He stood their frozen. Amanda had walked off in Colby's direction, so he doesn't do anything stupid. Seth, Mackie and Nate said and did nothing, they just stood their whilst Josh interrogated Sam. "Why did you do it?" Said Josh, in a calm and frustrated fashion. Sam looked up at him, said nothing and walked off to the back door.

~Sam POV~
"I'll be right back." I said as I fully walked out of the lobby and into the parking lot of the asylum. I pulled up the directions to a near by park, which was about a 10 minute walk from the asylum. That would be enough time to think about what the fuck I just did to my bestfriend.


I started walking. I walked about 5 minutes when my phone started ringing. It was a call from....Colby? Did he already cool off? That was fast. A little to fast, I can't pick up, he'll still be mad at me. Call declined. I started walking once again. My phone rang again and again, each time it was Colby. My phone rang again and this time it was Amanda. Phew. I can pick up and tell her that I'll be back in 10 minutes. Call Accepted. Once I picked up I say: "Hey Amanda, I'll be back in 10 minutes!" I said it as relaxed as I could, even though I was internally panicking as it had gotten dark really quickly and I could barely see where the fuck I was. Call Ended. What? She didn't even reply. Okay. He must be really pissed and taking his anger out on them. I need to get back ASAP.

I started sprinting back in the direction I assume I came from. I mean the directions are saying that that is where the asylum is, so I'm walking the right way.

[10 Minutes Later]

"Finally, I'm so tired. I'm here!" I said as I walked through the backdoor and into the lobby. Its dark. Why is it dark?

~No One POV~
"SURPRISE!!!" Everybody(except Sam) screamed in joy. As the lights were turned on and every decoration came into view. "Happy Birthday Sam!" Amanda and Mackie said in unison as they gave him a huge hug and pushed him towards the middle of the room.

Sam was shellshocked, as if a literal bomb had blew in his face (A party bomb to be exact 😉, okay ignore me).

Colby was standing in front of Sam holding a well decorated cake. "You're not mad at me?" Sam said as he looked Colby in the eye, who was evidently caught off guard by the sudden question. Colby sighed, putting the cake down on the table, he hugged Sam and said: "I can never be mad at you!"

Everybody smiled at Colby's statement and action, but their smiled only grew bigger when Sam hugged back tightly, as if Colby was his life support. Which was true. They both were each others life support.

[2 hours later]
They all were happy and singing random songs as they staked out waiting for the day to get to 10:00 p.m so they could all get the video started. "Oh, I swear that was the best birthday ever!" Sam said as he smiled purely, a smile no one had seen ever since she came into his life.

Everybody smiled looking at eachother. "It's 10:00 p.m" Seth said as he peered down at his phone. They all nodded and started getting ready to set up everything for the video.

"Colby can I talk to you?" Josh said as Colby finished setting up the main camera properly. Colby looked at Josh confused but after examining his facial expressions, Colby knew what Josh was going to ask.

~Colby POV~

Hey guys, thank you so much for voting and reading my story! I'm so happy that people actually like my story! I will be posting chapter 5 in the upcoming weeks, I just have to finish them off! I would appreciate if you could give some tips on how to improve my stories in the comments! Thank you again!


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