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Anirudh's age:25 years
Bondita's age:15 years


The blazing sun was setting thus slowly engulfing the sunny environment with a pitch of darkness.The birds were returning to their nests creating some kind of twittering sounds.The environment was just like the state of her mind i.e. gloomy.Since returning from school at noon,she has been upset.Like other days, she wasn't prancing here and there and chattering that much.After coming from school, she got changed into her usual saree and got busy with her household chores.But she was lost in her own thoughts.Her Pati Babu can arrive anytime.Her heartbeats increased at a rapid pace at this thought. How will she face him?

Anirudh had to go to Calcutta for the sake of a case.It has been almost two months since he left Tulsipur.Before leaving, he had advised Bondita to study properly as her exam was approaching.He had promised her that he would bring her 8 pots of ek badam waale roshogulle whilst returning from there.Today he is coming back home.

Bondita was busy in the kitchen when she heard the sound of honk of his car.That means,he is there!She came out of the kitchen and headed towards the drawing room with deliberate steps.Other members of the family too came there and were ready to welcome him after this long time. Bihari went running to the car to take his luggage.Bondita could hear the sound of his footsteps. The more those footsteps approached towards the drawing room, the more fear crept into her mind.He entered the house with a charming smile lingering on his face.
Anirudh touched his kaka's feet and conversed with the family members about his days within those two months for a while.After some time, he turned towards Bondita and smiled at her.Bondita reciprocated the smile forcing a sweet smile on her lips.

"How are you,Bondita? Uffho!Why am I even asking? I know, you would be very happy at my arrival as I have brought your favourite ek badam waale roshogulle.Wanna have that?" Anirudh asked smilingly.

For a moment, Bondita forgot about her worries and nodded excitingly,"I am good,Pati Babu.You are alright,aren't you?And where are my roshogulle?"Anirudh grinned at her excitement. "Arreyy,Bahu!He has just come.Let him get fresh atleast.Then you can feed roshogolla each other how much you want", Kaka growled at them. "Anirudh,get fresh at first. Then do whatever you two want",saying this Trilochan kaka left from there.Others also got back to their work."Bondita, I think Kaka is right. I just came from outside. I need to get cleaned at first then I will feed you ek badam waale roshogulle. Okay? Can I get a cup of coffee,Bondita?" He asked her. "Sure,Pati Babu."

After a while,Bondita entered into the study room."Your capi,Pati Babu." He turned back hearing her sweet voice.Bondita handed the mug of coffee to him.Anirudh took a sip from the coffee."How is it,Pati Babu?" "Just like you,sweet!" He answered with a wide smile."Ohh,Bondita!? Your roshogolla." He kept a pot of rasgullas in front of her.Immediately her eyes shone with joy and she licked her lips.Snatching the pot from him, she started to stuff the sweet balls into her mouth.Anirudh was adoring her with a smile.Suddenly she remembered something and offered him one from the pot.He smilingly ate it from her hand.Some mischiefs crept into Anirudh's mind.He picked up a roshogolla from the pot and kept it near her lips. Bondita opened her mouth but before she could take it into her mouth,Anirudh stuffed it into his own mouth making her frown at him.She puffed her mouth like a balloon crossing her hands around her chest.Anirudh chuckled softly at her antics.He missed her so much in all these days. He deflated her inflated cheeks by his fingers. Bondita's eyes widened at this.Finally, after his teasing session, both of them fed roshogolla each other.

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