Lyon Yule: Part 2

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The bell over the door tinkled again, indicating a customer had entered the store. I faced the counter after a moment. The customer sauntered up to the counter, smelling differently. A silly smell, was it sulfuric carbon? Gunpowder?

Yeah, it is indeed a gun powder. I took a simple glance. Judging.

The customer was a tall guy, muscly and he is wearing a dark coat, head almost tilted down. Unexpectedly, I did a double-take at his physique. Splatters of unnoticeable material can be seen on his hair. His attire also suits his dead-looking face. Stark to be precise. Can he be the correlation to the crime earlier?

The guy seemed to be doing a double-take as well, he groaned. "Can I get you something?" I quickly reply.

The guy in front of me raised his brow and opened his mouth asking for a pack of cigarettes and a pack of strepsils lozenges. I shrug, "My bad, What was it again?"

He chuckled, looking at the stand of the display behind me "Can I get that pack of Marlboros? And a pack of lozenges for the throat? CVS perhaps. Any flavor could work."

"Oh, okay." I mentally slapped myself, "Shorts or hundreds?" I added.

"Shorts." He shortly muttered.

A moment later, I felt a gaze following my every movement. If the tingling in my brain is right that he is, in fact, the perpetrator of the massacre reported on the news, I'm really in a bad position. As I finally reached the compartment where the lozenges are. I again faced the counter with the pack and box in my other hand, without looking at him.

"ID?" I asked. The other guy reached into his pocket and pulled out a wallet stuffed full of cash. I took the driver's license and inspected it.

"Decent?" According to his ID card, the customer- Oliver Williams- raised his eyebrow, seeking confirmation.

"You were decent," I bitterly admitted, handing the ID back to him, "That'll be 20.76."

He paid in cash. And I punched the cash register for the change. But then he added another five dollars, "Consider it a Christmas gift. I think it could work us out a deal."

I shot my head up to glare at him again. Glaring doesn't help, idiot. You'll be dead by morning, body found on the ditch near the riverbank. The guy shrugged and looked at me. My eyes met a matching pair of his.

"Rough night?" He asked.

"Sorry, yeah, yeah rough night, and thanks for this," I said, putting the guy's purchases on the counter towards him. Taking in the generous tip.

"You need a bag?" I asked.

"No need. I can manage." Instead of taking the lozenges and cigarettes, and walking out the door. The guy opened the pack of smoke and starts smoking. Revealing his bruised lips.

He must've fought someone.

Unsurprisingly, what more can you expect in NY, this city is a playground of criminals. The whaling of sirens echoing outside the store ardently caught my attention, countless cop mobiles rushing along the avenue. For a moment; serving as a backtrack in this awkward scenario.

Fuck, are they looking for him?

The guy didn't bat an interest in the commotion outside, instead, he offered me his smoke.

I sniffed, "Sorry, I don't smoke," I sigh again. If he's not going to buy anything else, I wish he'll just leave. And I am tired to deal with anything.

He held up his hands, "I'm going." As if he read my thoughts.

"Uh, h-have a nice Holiday, sir."

He pocketed the cigarettes and turned to leave.
"Thanks." He added, leaving the store, back facing my way.

His intimidating dark coat mixed along the fuzzy lights on the street, as if he's one and belongs with the cold night. I sighed as I pinch my nose, out of uneasiness. What the hell is that guy?

Santa Claus should definitely gift me something special for dealing with these weird customers, on Christmas Eve.

The bell rang for a few more minutes. But this time Aly, my shiftmate appeared. "Hey, I'm here. You can go now-- You okay?"

I bit my lip and grab my bag, "Yeah, It was- nothing. Anyhow, I was expecting you to come earlier tonight." I commented.

"Oh, right. Sorry. I get to doze my daughter too late. Here, I brought you some meal from our little celebration for reparation. I have a hitch that you haven't eaten anything yet," She commented, handing me a prepared stack of the meal inside a paper bag, "Um, you look flushed and tired. Rough night?"

"Thanks for this-and yep...Actually, there's also a weird guy that also asked me that a few minutes ago."

"One of the douchès?" She asked, sappy.

"As usual." I simply got off the counter, the bag hanging on my shoulders.

"Oh, right. Lyon? I'll be switching schedules with Isaiah for three nights. I'm in an urgent situation, so if it's not too much of a hassle to you-But hey, don't worry Dave agreed on this."

"Everything's fine with you, Aly. Not much of a deal, and it's Isaiah that we're talking about, he's on the boat." I hugged her quickly. Bidding her goodbye.

"I have to go." I cut off.

"Take care, and please be careful." She added.

I grinned and rushed out of the store to catch the last train. I run and hissed as the air in the city seems to be colder than before.

It only costs $0.00 to Love Me. <b×b>Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon