Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe

Start from the beginning

Most are either really pretty,or quite ugly.

Not to be insensitive.

But I did keep my composure.

Wednesday's piercing gaze seemed to see right through my act of composure.

"Introduce yourself my child."My father nudged me.

I gave him a side glance.

"My name is Y'n Dahlia,pleasure to meet you."I introduce myself with a flat tone.

I wasn't in the mood for this.

"Pleasure to meet you too,My name is Wednesday."Wednesday answered back with the same tone as me.

We both seem to not want to be here.

"Wednesday like the poem?Interesting."I mumbled.

"She was named after that poem.It's a favorite of mine."Morticia smiled.

We parted ways and entered the principals office at slightly different times.

Ms.Weems accepted me,but when I saw the uniform,I stopped her.

"I can't wear blue.It's a disgrace to my bloodline and look.I'm also allergic to most color.I can do red though if I must have a color or if that's what you would prefer."I jugde Ms.Weems.

"We can make a custome uniform for you too.Wednesday has an all black and white look herself,so we can give you a black and red?"Ms Weems suggested.

"Some color is great.Appreciated."I grimace.

"Great.You'll start next week."The principal smiled,escorting us all out of the office and closing the door.

"This will be fun."I scoff.

'Yes it will my little Crow."Amelia smiled.

I roll my eyes.

I'm going to hate this.

Time skip,when both me and wednesday enter the school.

"Your in great hands here.We had some issues with room though,so you will be sharing with two other people.You'll be in the same dorm as your mother was though!"Ms.Weems brought me too my room with my luggage and left me at the door.

I used my blood magic to lift my luggage up and enter the room.

I saw a girl with blond and streaky cotton candy hair,and Wednesday Addams.

One side was extremely colorful and looked like a unicorn both shit itself and barfed rainbow on the one side,and perfectly black and monotone on the otherside.

The two also looked like they were just fighting.

"Hi!My name is Enid.Ms.Thornhill told me to tell you to pick a side of the room to bunk with."Enid the cotton candy haired girl turned to me,obviously a little ruffled.

"I think i'll room with Wednesday here.She has a great sense of color."I move my stuff to the right side of the room.

"There is no color."Enid raised an eybrow in confusion.

"Exactly.Your side looks like a unicorn barfed rainbows,and those hurt my eyes."I glare with a monotone voice.

I'm not in the mood for anything.

"Sorry Wednesday.You'll have to deal with me.I promise I'll be quiet and leave you alone for the most part.And if any blood drips,tell me.I bleed occasionally from cuts from time to time.Same goes to you Enid."I grimace.

"Why?"Enid asks me.

Wednesday had a raised eyebrow in question as well.

"I'm not eating my roommates.Especially not a wolfs."I look Enid up and down.

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