He cleaned the area before wrapping your hand. He was silent. You knew he didn't really talk to any one besides Bubba. You just watched him as he bandged your hand. He was being careful.

You scanned his face. He had some sort of muzzle like mask and his black hair fell just above his shoulders in messy strands. He had a leaf in his hair.

"Uh you have a leaf in your hair?" You say lightly.

He just made a scoff noise. It made you furrow your eyebrows as you stared at the leaf. You raise your good hand and softly pick out the leaf. He immediately looked at you, his eyes burning into yours. You just smile awkwardly and wave the leaf with your hand. His eyes trail to it before sighing and finishing up your hand.

He got up and you hopped off the barstool before looking at his outstretched hand. He wanted you to take his hand, probably so you dont run off. You hesitantly place your wrist in his hand since you know he probably wasnt comfortable with holding your hand.

He gives you a slightly appreciative nod before dragging you back to Bubba. Oh goly...this was...definitely gonna take a good chunk of your summer. You wonder if they'd look for you. Thats probably the only way you'd get out without having to fight theese two. You sighed before just accepting your fate.

Toms Pov

Were the fuck was she? I growled as I searched through the bodies. She wasn't here. She wasn't even in her cabin. My hands started to shake. I had lost her....I couldn't...fuck.

"Shes not anywhere" the girl 'Tiffany' said.

My eyebrows furrowed "Shit then were could she have run off too".

"Maybe she got out of the camp? She seems way too strong to die here" Tiffany says.

I glanced at her. She was stepping from foot to foot nervously. She was worried about my- about (y/n) clearly That much I could tell from how she constantly messes with her hair.

"We'll find her" I say gruffly before looking ahead at the woodeded area.

I start to walk the leaves crunching under my shoes. I was drenched in blood. It wasn't even my own blood. I tried...i tried to save so many peoole but...its like whatever that thing was it wanted us all dead. Six feet under is the only way it would be happy.

I massaged my temples before stopping. I heard someone yelling her name. Her name. Oh god there's no way right. Shes not dead. No theres no way shes dead. Shes too smart for that. I had seen her up close and personal in a fight and she was the defition of surivial.

So why are my hands getting clammy at just the thought...

I ran. It probably wasn't smart seeing as there was a murderous maniac in these woods.

'If he killed her, Im going to find that huge fucking bitch and rip him apart' Harry growls out.

For the first time I agreed with his plan of action. I would die happily if I kill that thing if he murdered her. The only thing keeping me from spiraling is the hope to have her back into my arms. We still hadn't even gotten to disscuss what happened last night.

Bloody tears of a final girl (Slashers x F!reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat