Chapter Eight: Rekindling

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Besides, she told Luz not to write back at least four times, so she shouldn't expect anything back, right? Well, Luz would probably write back anyways.

Amity stole a final glance at the gap under the door before turning back to her worksheet. She neatly wrote her name and the date at the top; September 12th.

She heard someone pass by the door, a quick pause in their steps before they walked away. Amity practically jumped out of her chair as she turned her head to the door. Who knew waiting for a letter that wasn't supposed to be coming was so fun?

A small, purple envelope was tucked in below the door, a hastily written number scrawled across the top. A smile formed along Amity's face as she grabbed the letter and sat back down at her desk. With an ungraceful tear, a letter spilled out of the envelope and cascaded to the table.

"Hey Blight-y!

I'm deciding to write back cause I designed this system geniusly! (is that a word?) Anyways, we aren't technically talking we're writing! There's a difference!

Anyways, my game went good, didn't you see it? Actually, I could've sworn you were there.. maybe I'm seein things! Wait.. that's probably not good for my career. Or my life I guess."

Amity giggled quietly as she imagined Luz writing this at her desk, smiling brightly as she did.

"Anyways, do I say anyways too much? Doesn't matter. Anywa- damn it. Okay, so, I liked your letter! You said it was bad, but I thought it was really sweet! We should keep writing back and forth! I'm not sure what we could talk about though. Gosh, I feel like a little kid again, getting all happy over letters.

Oh! What did you like doing when you were a kid? I spent a lot of time reading 'The Good Witch Azura' and watching the tv show 'The Great Witch Azura'. They're different.

You ask a question in your letter back too, and we can make it a game!!

Love, uh wait-

From, Luz"

Amity laughed again, she found herself doing that a lot when she talked to Luz. Or I guess, wrote to Luz. Maybe it was the way she spoke, (wrote?) and how unapologetic her mistakes were. Luz didn't even bother erasing the last error, she just owned it, and Amity thought that was cool. Maybe cool wasn't the word. Luz was just herself no matter what.. inspiring? Maybe that was the word she was looking for.

Amity grabbed a piece of paper from her desk and began writing. Her answer to Luz's question was:

"Going to the library and reading. I started volunteering once I was 15, and helped out too. I used to read the Azura books when I was little. I didn't know there was a show."

Amity thought for a moment, trying to come up with the best question possible. After far too long, she decided to ask:

"Do you have or have you ever wanted a pet? I never had one as a child, but I've always wanted a cat. They seem so soft and cuddly!"

She folded her letter and tucked it into a new envelope, writing the address on the top. Was it considered an address if it was only a few doors down? It didn't matter. Amity stepped out of her room and walked to Boscha's. That was what Luz called her, right?

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