Welcome (angst + fluff)

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"Okay then, I'll have tea please. Y/N?"

I don't look up at anyone.

"I just want a water."

The waiter takes down our order and heads to the back. C/N looks at me concerned, when (C/N's friend) looks at his and my hands.

"You're still holding Y/N's hand, C/N."

C/N gets a bit nervous and lets go.

"Sorry about that. I didn't notice. Hopefully I didn't make you uncomfortable, Y/N."

"It's fine."

I still don't look up at anyone, secretly missing the warm sensation of C/N's hand on mine. Without hesitating, (C/N's friend) begins another conversation with C/N in attempts to distract him from me. Once the drinks get here, I just stir my straw around in my water silently. Soon enough, I feel a slight nudge.

"Y/N, it's your turn to order."

I clear my throat and tell the waiter my order, apologizing for the inconvenience. The waiter goes to the back to put in our order, and (C/N's friend) turns to me looking upset.

"What the fuck was that, Y/N? You totally embarrassed us."

"Hey, cool off. He was distracted, that's all."

"Ugh. He's always 'just distracted'. How do you know he's not just ignoring you and wanting to stay here for free food, hm?"

I finally snap.

"(C/N's friend), I'm literally right the hell here. If you were paying attention to anything other than trying to get in C/N's pants, you would have noticed."

I stand up, in tears, and rush to the nearest bathroom. Once I get there and realize I'm alone in there, I slide down the wall and start crying into my knees, trying to stay quiet.

I knew it, (C/N's friend) hates me. They're gonna make C/N hate me too. I'm not sure why they think I'm trying to take him from them. They're gonna end up together anyway. I probably should just—

"Wait, Y/N? Is that you?"

I look up and sniff. Once I see it's C/N, I quickly stand up and wipe my face.

"I probably should go... I'll pay for my water on the way out and cancel the rest of my order..."

"Y/N.. no. You don't have to do that. This was meant to celebrate you coming here. I'm not sure why they are acting like this, but besides that. Do you really think they're trying to sleep with me?"

Oh here we go.

I decide to be honest and nod, due to the fact that it's been obvious since I first walked in the door last night. Expecting an angry outburst, I mentally prepare myself for a screaming match as my eyes well up with tears again.

"Oh my.. you know they're just a friend, right? I don't feel like that for them."

"Well soon enough they'll somehow convince you to believe them instead of me. They've already done it before. They're gonna make up some story about me to try and distance you from me, or to get you to try and end our friendship. Once you finally snap, I'll never hear from you again and you two will end up together. It's obvious... Now, I'm just trying to get out of the way so it'll be easier for you to cut to the chase. I wish you the best of luck. Farewell."

I start to head out the door, when C/N stops me. I look at him again, already crying again. He carefully pulls me toward him and hugs me.

"Y/N. I don't have feelings for them, okay?"

"Well then, who do you like..?"

C/N slightly backs up, keeping an arm around me. He moves the other and puts it on my cheek. I look at him confused, and he seems to sense that confusion.

"This should answer your question.."

He uses the thumb of the hand on my cheek to lift up my chin to look at him, and he starts slowly leaning in. My heart starts speeding up more by the second, until he finally kisses me. I just melt into it and put my arms around his waist. After a few seconds, he stops kissing me and pulls me in for another deep hug.

"I have an idea, Y/N."


"Let's go home."

"But what about the dinner..?"

"They'll be alright. They paid for it all already. And you know what, I'm glad you told me they weren't very good to you. Now I have a reason to cut them off. They've been oddly clingy and creep ish to me lately. This just confirms it."

I see him pull out his phone and look through his contacts, tapping on one and hitting the 'block' button. He puts his phone into his pocket again and gently kisses my forehead.

"Now then, let's go home. We can cuddle and watch movies if you want?"

I smile a bit and nod.

"I like that.."

He wipes my face and holds my hand, walking out with me. When we get to the table, he grabs his to go cup and puts his tea into it.

"C/N? Why are you holding his hand? He embarrassed us earlier. That kind of behavior shouldn't be encouraged."

"What is he, 5? It's not up to you, what he does. And you know what? I've had enough. Don't contact me or Y/N again. You are no longer welcome in my house, and I will be taking over Y/N's welcome celebration from here."

I go wide-eyed, shocked that he would actually go through with something like that. (C/N's friend) seems just as surprised as I am, but in an angry way.

"But, C/N! I'm sorry! I just didn't wanna make you look bad!"

"Well then, look where we ended up after that whole stunt."

With that, he walks out the door with me, still holding my hand.

~Male crush x male reader~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin