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Elliot stood behind Olivia and applied pressure to her hips. Olivia had the quilt on their bed held in her fist as she tried to not cry. She was in pain, but hated to show that she was in pain. Right now, all she wanted was to be brave and strong. Not scared and in pain.

"Good girl... You should be almost done with this contraction," Elliot cooed, as he looked at the timer on his phone. He had been trying his hardest to keep track of Olivia's contractions, but sometimes he missed them when she was closed off from him.

A shaky breath left Olivia's lips as the contraction faded. She slowly changed her position and lowered herself onto the edge of the bed. Elliot took a washcloth and wiped the sweat from Olivia's forehead before leaning close and pressing a delicate kiss to her lips.

"How are you feeling?" Elliot asked.

"I'm fine," Olivia lied. She was feeling more anxious than earlier, and her legs couldn't stop shaking. 


"Can you text Alex and ask about Ava? I want to know she's okay... then can you text Lanie and tell her what is happening?" Olivia mumbled, as she stood slowly. Elliot stepped back to give her space before forcing a smile.

"Of course, baby. I'll be right back. Just tell me if you need anything, alright?" 

"Okay," Olivia breathed.

Elliot left the room to grab his phone, as Olivia padded towards the bathroom. She turned on the light and stood in front of the mirror. Her face was pale and glistening with sweat, and her lips were bleeding slightly. She had been gnawing on her lip during the last few contractions since they were only a few minutes apart and very strong. She had lied to Elliot about how close her contractions were since she was scared of going to the hospital.

The last thing she wanted was to be in a place sick people go. She was worried that she may get sick herself, or something might happen to her child. 

Olivia looked down at her swollen midsection before running a shaky hand over it. 

"Please be okay," she whimpered, before closing her eyes tightly and clenching her jaw. This contraction seemed to last the longest, and once it faded away, Olivia's water had broken and she panicked.

Things were getting too real for her.


At around six the day after she went into labor, Olivia was still hiding her pain and the fact she didn't know if they'd make it to the hospital in time. Elliot was watching her closely, but he wasn't seeing everything. Ava was a full fledge human when he became her father, and he wasn't there when Lanie was born. So he didn't know exactly when it was too late until it was.

"I think we should head in," Elliot spoke, as he came into their bedroom. He had just pulled the car up to the front of their apartment building, and now just had to grab Olivia and her hospital bag.

"N-no," Olivia panted from where she stood at the end of the bed.

"No? Liv, you are having very strong contractions. We need to get to the hospital before our baby is born," Elliot said with a shaky smile.

"I can't make it," Olivia whispered under her breath. There was a lot of pressure between her legs, and Olivia was certain that even if they made it down to the car, that their child would be born on the side of the road instead of in a hospital room.


"My water broke when you were contacting Alex and Lanie. T-the contractions are about two minutes apart, and I think I can feel the baby's head really low..." Olivia trailed off as she locked eyes with Elliot.

Elliot's jaw dropped, and he nodded slowly.

"O-okay. Uh, I'll call an a-ambulance. Just close your legs until they get here?" Elliot spoke awkwardly.

"I-i can't just close my legs, El!" Olivia cried. Elliot took a slow breath before stepping towards Olivia. He ran a hand over her lower back before grabbing her chin and turning her head to face him.

"Tell me what you need me to do, and I'll do it. If I have to deliver our child right here, then that is what I'll do. But once we meet this baby, we both sob over how adorable she is, then we need to talk. Talk about why you are hiding things from me," Elliot breathed. Olivia nodded weakly before turning into Elliot. She hugged him tightly as tears soaked into his shirt.

"Call the ambulance, El," Olivia panted as she stepped back from her partner.

"This is really happening, isn't it?" Elliot asked, his eyes wide.

"Oh yeah," Olivia said with a nervous smile.

"I guess I have a call to make."


The dispatcher told Elliot that an ambulance would be there in twenty minutes. While they waited for the ambulance to arrive, Elliot had to use his training to deliver the baby he and Olivia had prayed for.

"Okay, love. Her head is out!" Elliot smiled from where he sat between Olivia's legs. She was exhausted and could barely keep her eyes open.

"Are you sure it's a girl?" Olivia moaned, her eyes opening slightly.

"It's not confirmed yet, but I'm kinda sure it's a girl. We have two other ones," Elliot smiled, before going back to focusing when Olivia pushed again.

As the baby's shoulders were born, the sounds of sirens grew louder. Elliot ignored those as he focused on keeping his hands steady while helping Olivia guide their baby into the world.

"Almost, Olivia! Keep it coming, baby!" Elliot exclaimed, as the sirens got louder as the ambulance pulled up in front of the building.

Olivia let out a whimper as the baby was born, and her pain faded slightly. She laid back against the pillows as a watery cry filled the room. 

"Olivia," Elliot sniffled as he looked down at his newborn.

"Is she okay?" Olivia sniffled.

"He's perfect."

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