Chapter 3: Fellow Omega

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None asked, none bore question unto him, no rain of suspicion encompassed him as the showers of spring might. A passive response was his introductions, though there had been few in truth he had met, it was that all surrounding bore no malice highlighting their irises, there was no tensed muscle movement as he walked by anyone. A juxtaposition of what he had assumed, comprehended of his person; for though he knew his 'kin' had viewed him as a weapon to play with, it stood as an interesting, obstructive, disorientation unto his world vision that no one had taken to jeer at him as of yet. Of a unknown clan, a stranger brought into their border by a youth, and he was not the recipient of any indignance. The very awareness that he was allowed free movement was obfuscating, the only true boundary beheld onto him was mere logic; that he may not leave the encampment for both the risk of intelligence being brought away, and rather bewilderingly- as protection unto him from threat. They knew him not, and yet he was still regarded as one to protect, it made little sense onto a mind borne of ostracization and despise.

"Your eyes do wander." The gentile tone- a louder voice, chips underneath his own thoughts and has him turn. Staring upon a man of divine beauty, they stand at near the same height- though that only serves for Naruto to stare unobstructed upon his features. He beholds a lightened tan tone merely a fraction lighter then Naruto's own, hair of sun-brightened brown in a straight fall to his upper thighs, while irises the shade of shadowed leafs cast a gentle expression towards the blond. Naturally, by all his disposition, Naruto smiles back, though his uncertainty is no doubt evident in the nervous twitch his lips gave- rather then a smile. Though no dislike is cast his way in sight of his tentative response, rather in opposition there comes an analogous smile, however differing in manner enough to see a tilt of sympathy within the man's features. Naruto knew well, as any would, that he afore him was an Omega- no mistake could be formed within his mind upon that fact; and though the Uchiha clan did not allow their Omega's to fight, the blond remained intimidated; not for fear, but within the presence of one so beauticious standing to his fore whence he appeared none but a scrambler from the forests. "Your hesitance is plain, are you wary within our foreign boundaries?" A small body squirms for the question, because indeed he is, but it was entirely different to admit it in word.

He gains a giggle in turn, and he cannot truly understand why, a gentle sound that was demure and nye childish. "You needn't be, shall I teach you further of us?" The offer is genuine and querily asked. Simple simper rested easy on the demure visage in wait, yet, hopeful. Gladdened though, Naruto smiled wide for the offer, wondering about in uncertainty was not appealing and if he was being guided in his new environment he might manage to actually fit in- perhaps figure out what friends might be. He was gestured to follow and he did, walking an even pace near the resting area, the Omega beside him spoke loud -unabashedly- though his voice in itself is a soft one. "Oh! Yes! My mind was spinning fast- I apologize- I am Uchiha Kou; Hanayome (meaning: bride) no Naori." He crossed his wrists and intertwined his thumbs, before placing them over the area of his heart and bowing slow, smiling wide as he rose, no person with the understanding of war should hold such grace. Blond brows narrow with a pinch- but only in express of a mild jealousy that held no true weight. He was thus gestured to follow and his feet did so without conscious consent.

"I should question in haste; do you understand how you shall live among us? Tis quite imperative to comprehend your place and the expectation cast." Wetting lips for want of denial, he did indeed shake his head regardless of the embarrassment imposing from not fully understanding his own self-imposed circumstance. Yet, under weightful words admittance was a better companion then ignorance. Kou nodded beside him, expectant, though not showcasing exasperation in that confession, still softened in expression as they slowly rambled forward. "You know enough that you will be expected to find a homupowa yes?" Naruto faltered, uncertain for the terminology, so he glanced with curious eyes to his kind shown escort- though those irises were hardened by gravitas.

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