Chapter 2

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It was the first day of the school year. Most people actually seemed excited to be back as Chloe and I followed the crowd up the front steps and through the courtyard. Chloe was clutching her books to her chest, and looked nervous more than anything else. I was just bored. I wanted to get the day over with already. Nothing interesting ever happened to me at school. If I were in a TV show, I'd be a side character that was shown maybe once or twice, and wasn't even important enough to be named. I was okay with that, though, don't get me wrong. It just meant I never had to wonder what would happen. I knew what would happen. I'd go to class, speak to nobody besides Chloe, then go home, do my homework, and waste the rest of my night doing something pointless.

I expected that day to be even more dull than usual, because Chloe wasn't in any of my classes. We separated and made our way to our classrooms. My first class was history, and I couldn't remember where the classroom was, so I ended up being slightly late and walking into an already full classroom. My eyes scanned the room awkwardly for a free seat, until I spotted one.

My breath caught briefly in my throat. I didn't recognise the guy sitting beside the free seat. He was looking back at me, his chin resting on his palm, twirling a pen between his fingers. His raven black hair was effortlessly perfect, and his eyes were somehow harsh and soft at the same time, a hypnotising shade of chocolate that matched his tanned skin. His jawline was sharp, and he was so attractive I froze on the spot, too intimidated to walk over.

I snapped myself out of it. There were no other free seats, so I had no choice but to walk over. I felt his eyes on me the whole time, so I deliberately kept my eyes diverted, but my heart was pounding in my chest as I pulled the chair out and sat down. I dared a glance sideways, only to see he was still watching me, but was smiling now. My heart did an impressive somersault.

"Hi," he said.

"Uh, hi," I said back, my mouth dry. "Is it okay if I sit here?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" He asked, laughing. I'm certain my face was burning red. "I'm the new kid, after all."

I was about to respond when the professor started talking, and he turned away from me. He likely knew he was about to be called up to the front to introduce himself like they always do.

"We have two new students joining us today," he said finally, looking at the guy beside me, and then past him. "Come up, guys."

I turned to see a girl standing a couple rows behind us. I hadn't noticed her when I looked around the room earlier. She was beautiful, with an almost perfect face and dead straight navy blue hair down to her waist. She was smiling, not nervous at all.

"These guys just transferred here together from the same school," the professor said. I'd never heard of that happening before. The glance they gave each other told me they were either already really good friends, or dating.

"This is Dawn, and this is Ash. I hope you'll make them feel welcome."

Dawn grinned and gave us all a little wave. Ash's eyes flicked back to mine, and I looked away quickly, confused as to why my heart jumped. A few seconds later, I heard the scrape of his chair being pulled back out. I tried to pay attention to the professor, but I was all too aware of Ash's presence beside me. Ash. That was a nice name, I thought. Much better than mine. It suited him.

Ten minutes later, when we were all given a task to do and people started talking amongst themselves, Ash turned sideways to face me again, draping his arm over the back of his chair. "So," he started. My heart sank a little as I realised he was going to talk to me. "What's your name?"

"Goh," I answered simply, not looking up from my paper. I think I was probably being rude. I didn't realise I was sitting beside the person that would become my best friend.

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