The made man's confession 2

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Emilio's POV

After the brief introduction, I studied the new made man with my eyes, my head and everything within me. I noticed that he was actually young, a little bit younger than Matteo my son. I sighed inwardly, I turned back and saw that my men were standing behind me as usual.

I shook my head and Vincenzo walked up to me and whispered into my ears,

"Not impressed with him boss?"

Emilio gestured with his head and he and Enzo walked to another corner of the room where there conversation will not be heard and said,

"He's young Enzo, you are meant to bring matured men with experience, have you forgotten why I keep you next to me?"

Vincenzo was silent for a while and then said,
"I know what you are trying to say Boss but this man is more than capable. I know you think he is too young and perhaps maybe naive but I can remember when my father always told me that the wisdom of the King solomon has nothing to do with the old age of Methuselah. And how old was I boss when you approached me? And I have and will always be faithful to you boss, till the death of my d**k and this new made man I assure you is capable."

Emilio looked at Enzo, he wasn't even impressed by the man's lengthy and impressive speech, he just wanted to know something very important.

"After we get the information Vincenzo, get rid of carter."

Emilio turned to leave while the shocked Enzo called out to him,

Emilio turned to look at Enzo and Enzo realizing himself then said,
"Yes Boss."

Emilio walked up to one of the soldiers and tapped him gently on his shoulder, the soldier bowed his head slightly as a sign of respect but didn't utter any word.

Emilio walked up to the man and stared at him, he then spat at Emilio's feet. One of the soldiers wanted to retaliate by hitting the man who spat at his boss's feet but Emilio stopped him and said,

"No, your too good for him."

The soldier used his baton and hit the man on his head.

Vincenzo smirks at the gut of the soldier and looks at his Don and says,
"Carter brought him here. He will explain better."

Emilio lifts his head from the tied up man who is all bloody and sweaty and smelling. He then says,

Carter looks up and begins to walk towards the don.

Carter reaches the side of the don and he is pulled by one of the soldiers and made to stand in front of the done, he raises his head slowly unsure of his own self.
The don seems to notice his uneasiness and after some seconds of quiet, he says to Carter,
"Even though you feel afraid or faint, you must not show it unless it will be used against you, all of us, by our enemies."
"Okay Sir"
Carter seems to be taken deep breaths and he calms himself down.
"Can I start?"
It's Vincenzo that answers this time, "Of course, he doesn't bite."
Emilio rolls his eyes and this makes Carter to chuckle a little.
Emilio raises his left eyelid up.
Carter clears his throat and he begins to speak.
"I actually got the information from my girlfriend. She works in grandma Wendy's cafe."
"The one in Turin city right?", Enzo asks.
"Yes, that's the one. So..."
"So, how do you kids meet. We are in the holy city of Italy and your girlfriend is in Turin city and...", Enzo asks but he is not done with questioning  before the don interrupts him.
"Of course Vincenzo, the holy city, Turin city and various other cities make up our state ' The Duchy of Piedmont' in Italy."
The don gives a nod to Carter signalling him to continue.
"She said that two old ladies walked into the cafe and ordered milk and doughnuts. Since it was still in the early hours of the morning, she was still cleaning up the cafe. She took their orders quickly and passed it to the serving girl who immediately went to inform the cook of the early patrons. The two ladies are regulars of the grandma Wendy's cafe."
As Carter talked there was quietness as the Don wanted to grass everything coming out of the little boy's mouth.
They started to chatter about their younger days back in high school and how they both fell in love with their sweethearts and got married and they went on to talk about their kids and their respective jobs and one of the old ladies began to talk about how her son was doing as a cop..."
"COP!!!", Enzo yelled out.
"Yeah, a cop", nodded Carter.
Enzo then turned and looked at his boss and asked,
"Did you just hear him right now don?, he just mentioned a cop."
"Let him finish Enzo, go on Carter."
"She said her son was handling a case about a killer named Johnson. The old lady called him  a traveller killer because all the killings which took place in the holy city, the Turin city and Bologna city all had the same lead. The killer sliced up the body of his victims and dug out every organ from the upper part of their body and get it in a heap beside the victim. The last victim's life he took was a the life of a gas manager in front of a gas station. The CCTV camera was able to capture his face. The police from the Turin Police department took a photo and placed it all over the city declaring him wanted but a woman stepped out refuting that it couldn't be as that was her son and he had died two years ago when the car he was driving in had overturned and fell into the water beneath the bridge..."
Carter stops talking all of a sudden and he looks up at me and I raise my left eyelid questioning him,
"Why did you stop talking?"
"Uhm, the women ate their doughnuts and milk and left the cafe", and whispered."
My soldiers begins to chuckle as Enzo has a look of surprise at everything that Carter had just said.
"So boss?", Enzo asks.
I look at him in question
"What to do next?"
Before I can answer Charlie Charlie bust into the room excited and panting.
"Oh boss, I'm sorry to disturb you but the village chief is here. He is dieing to see you, he claims it is important."
I'm really tired from all this, from my son bringing an unknown woman, to him leaving the house, to this newmade man Carter telling me a half story told to him by his girlfriend from two crazy old ladies which I don't know how substantial it is. I know we the mafia also take news and information from gossip too, but I don't know how vital this newfound gossip is, I mean it's coming from two old women and...
"Boss", Enzo calls.
"Let's get going", I say.
I step out of the room where the man is still tied up and ask Enzo,
"What about him?"
"He works at the gas station where the manager was killed. The camera caught him trying to dispose of the managers corpse in an empty oil drum before the cops arrived at the scene. He was detained and released after. What do you suggest boss?"
"Keep him and make him talk while I go out to see what's important to the village chief."
"Okay boss."
I step out of the warehouse and I see the village chief with two other villagers. He has a worried look in his face.
Immediately he sees me, he walks towards me and takes my hand in his and shakes it.
"Mr Alex, I am so happy to see you. I must have disturbed you but what I have to show you is important."
"What is it?"
"It is about my son, Jojo. Last night I warned  him not to go out hunting because of the owls howling at night. You know my peoples believe that when owls howl very late at night for a long time, something bad's about to happen? But the little boy wouldn't listen. He went out late at night with my gun and came back drenched without my gun."
I looked at the village chief in amusement. Did he call me out just to discuss about Jojo.
"Come Mr. Alex, let me show you something. It's just after the bridge that boards the river."
We have been walking for over 15 minutes and then we reached the bridge and the village chief points,
"Just over there, I will show you what they told me."
We walk on the bridge and then after 5 minutes become face-to-face with a dead body with its organs pulled out from its upper body and kept in a heap beside the corpse. My mind flashed the immediately to what Carter describe to me earlier. Those old ladies were right after all, the killer is a traveler killer.
After inspecting the corpse ,Charlie Charlie noted it as a fresh corpse and I agreed with him. The village chief commenting that his son has not spoken since he came back drenched.
"He didn't go alone Mr Alex, he went with two of his friends who explained this morning that the killer wore a hat shaped like a bowl when turned upside down."
"They witnessed the killing?"
"Mr Alex?"
"What I mean is that did they see the killer kill the person?"
"Mr Alex, we don't know. The boys have been mumbling incomprehensible words since but one did say he heard a killer scream in a different language."
I nodded. There was no need asking the village chief what language if he said 'different', it meant he didn't know himself
"You know, when my son's friends arrived after being drenched. One of them told his parents that someone was being killed in the forest, the father of the boy called a patrol officer.
"And what did he do?"
"He followed him across the bridge to inspect and he said he had to inform his superior about it. He left here around 9 a.m."
I looked at my wrist watch it was 12:30 p.m. I had to leave. I had wasted too much time. I turned to look at the village chief.
"Take care of your son Jojo. Make sure to take him to the clinic he needs to see a doctor. He will be fine."
"I will mister Alex. Thanks for your time."
I nodded and signalled Charlie Charlie. We needed to start leaving this village and go to see one of my 'associates', I hope he has good news for me.

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