The made man's confession

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Third persons POV

After Emilio finished talking to his son about putting himself in danger by bringing a strange girl to the house, Matteo felt sober. He actually felt that his dad was taking sides with the undignified whore of a girl.

He felt this way because he wasn't used to his dad correcting him but Emilio told him that he wasn't taking sides with the girl, but that he really cared for his son and that he was just watching his back.

Matteo nodded and after telling his dad casually that he was going to pay someone a visit, he left the mansion.

Emilio sighed and inwardly blamed himself for not discipling Emilio, if only he had listened fully to the nanny's advice when Matteo was still little. But nevertheless, he was still very happy that he taught Emilio to be hardworking or else he could have been worse.

Emilio's phone began to ring but it was not a song sang by any singer but a voice recording of his beloved late wife.

Emilio listened to the voice and after a few seconds, he took his phone, looked at the screen and saw the caller- Vincenzo; his underboss.

This Vincenzo has stuck with Emilio through thick and thin and Vincenzo was very close to Emilio, he adored and respected his boss.

When Emilio first met Vincenzo, Enzo for short, and Enzo began to show his loyalty towards him, he introduced Enzo to the mafia world and made him a "made man" , and Enzo climbed up the ladder of success in the mafia community from being a "made man" to being his second in command; to being the "Underboss".

During his initiation as the "Underboss", Emilio had said to Enzo,

"Enzo? Stay with me?"

Vincenzo replied back,

"Till the death of my d**k."

Vincenzo had replaced Emilio when he was in danger of going to jail and wanted by some police officers who were bought over by the rival gang. It was Enzo who replaced him as it was legal in thier country- Italy.

When Emilio was blackmailed by a rival gang for raping a twelve years old boy and dumping his body in the streets. It was Enzo who underwent the trial until their "Associates"- (the people that are not actually in the mafia but work faithfully for the mafia e.g. lawyers, farmers, police, politicians and most especially every mafia boss had priests) helped prove Emilio innocent. Vincenzo also slept in the jail, all for his Boss.

Emilio picked the call and Enzo said,
"Morning Don"
"I am good."
" I have news for you boss but I really need you to come to the warehouse, the new made man caught someone who might know the killer"
"I don't want to raise your hopes don."
"Better, I will be there."

Emilio hung up the call and after wearing his coat, he told the nanny that he will be off for some important business, he then left his mansion an shiped into the bullet proof metallic vehicle.

His driver who was a jolly looking man with plump cheeks. He cheerfully said,
"Morning Don, where are we going today?"
"The abandoned warehouse in the middle of sangkof farm, drive quickly."
"Yes, sir."

The car then zoomed off and the nanny who was looking through the window closed the curtains.


The bulletproof metallic vehicle of Emilio pulls up in front of the abandoned warehouse in sangkof farm. The driver whose name is "Charlie Charlie" opened the driver seat and walked up to the passenger door and opened it, Emilio Alexander Ricardo just came out of the door with a stoic expression on his face.

Charlie Charlie then smiled a jolly smile as he said,
"After you boss."

Emilio then began to walk with majestic steps towards the warehouse and as he entered inside the warehouse, men of all shapes and sizes with stoic expression on their faces bowed low to him and said,
"Welcome Don."

Vincenzo didn't wait for Emilio to ask for him as he strode to his boss side and said,
"Welcome boss, glad you could make it, shall we?"
"How about we eat bacon and eggs, huh?"

Enzo took the hint of sarcasm in the voice of his boss and he quickly nods.

Emilio then says,
"Why don't you are me to the "made man", huh Vincenzo?"
"Righto Boss."

He then begins to lead Emilio to the left section of the warehouse with Charlie Charlie following. When they get to the door, Enzo stops and looks at Charlie Charlie and back at Emilio,
"Is he going come in again, Boss?"

Emilio gazes for a while and says while handing Charlie Charlie a gun,
"I want you to go to the car and stay at the back seat, I can sense something fishy is about to happen."

Charlie Charlie with a jolly expression then says,
"As you wish Don."
He then turns to leave.

Enzo then looks at Charlie Charlie as he lives and then back at Emilio who was gazing at him.
Enzo then quickly apologizes and opens signals to some of the men and they then proceed to open the gate like door by sliding the heavy like metallic door to the right.

As the door is opened, Vincenzo sees a man bound to a chair and his soldiers-(they are the part of the mafia that do all the 'dirty' work) torturing the man. He turns and sees the new made man sitting on the ground. As Emilio enters inside the room where the unknown man is being tortured, the new made man stands up and looks at Enzo.

Enzo then says to the new made man,
"Carter, this is the DON."

Carter then looks at Emilio in amazement and bows low to Emilio.

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