You are not worthy to remain in hell!

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Lust the demoness looked up at Lilith who gazed at her with great expectations.

Lilith looked at lust with pride. Lust had caused great destruction on mankind. She had destroyed marriages, wrecked homes and killed so many destinies.

"My dear Lust"


"My very own dear Lust, come and give mother a hug"

Lilith stands up from the laps of Lucifer and Lust walks up to the warm embrace of her mother- Lilith.

They embrace and Lilith strokes Lust's back and holds up her face in her hands.

"Welcome, I believe you have brought me good news"

Lust facial expression changes a little good and she appears worried but she changes the expression and keeps up with her usual seductive look.

Lust then nods and Lilith gestures for her to speak.


Satan immediately yells at her,

"Shut up and step down from where you are. Have you forgotten that Lucifer and I are not in your class"

Lust is then shoved by Lilith. She immediately comes down from the throne and stands where wrath stood before to give his own report.

Lilith is still staring at Lust. Lust is beautiful in the eyes of her fellow demons. She has the normal ash skin they have, curvy hips and two medium sized horns. Her eyes are a shade between the flames of hell and orange color.

Lucifer then looks at Lust and then says,

"So Lust tell us what you have achieved, tell us how you have swayed mankind with that beauty of yours."

All the demons begin to cheer and Lust looks scared.

Some of the demons leave where Satan ordered them to stand and begin to spank Lust's buttocks. One of them grabs Lust and pins her to the floor and begins banging himself against her. The demon then begins to moan out loud. Some grab her breast area and begin clawing at it.

As this happens, Lucifer and Satan laughs out very loud and evilly. As they laugh the tormented souls begins to scream in anguish and pain.

Lust looks at Lilith as if begging for help but instead of helping Lilith just looks with smiles at the scenario unfolding.

Satan continues cackling but Lucifer stops and then says,


They all scramble away from Lust and she stands up from the floors of hell. None of the demons help. Most of them are still sneering at her.

"Now what did you do to our enemies"

Lust then looks at her toes and then begins to speak.

"A woman who was married to her husband got a very high paid job which was very demanding. The job needed her time and energy. She stopped paying attention to her husband and focused only on her job. The man sought advice from his friend and he was told to get another woman who will pay attention to him. His friends introduced him to a young beautiful red haired woman with pretty grey eyes. I tried persuading him to have sex with the red haired but he was too involved with his creator and he had a strong conscience so he didn't."

Lucifer stands up and says angrily,

"What did you say?"

"He didn't do it, he didn't have sex with the red haired."

"Why didn't he?"

"Because God was with him"

As soon as lust said God, hell begins to shake and all the demons including Satan, Lucifer and Lilith begins to scream in pain and anguish.

As they scream, the floors of hell breaks open and fire begins to burn them all.

After some time it stops and all the demons are on the floor, moaning in great pain.

Satan goes to Lucifer who is on the ground. He lifts him up and holds his face in his hands. He then helps him to sit on his throne.

Satan then turns to look at Lust who is struggling to get up from the ground and yells at her,

"You are not worthy to remain in hell, you are not worthy to be part of the seven faithful, you are not worthy of being a demon"

Lust falls to the ground and begins to plead with Satan to have mercy.

Satan gets infuriated at Lust's behavior and says,

"Now you are behaving like a slimy human. Demons don't beg. Aarrgh!"

Lust begins to tremble but Satan is not yet done with her

"You call the name of the one who created our enemies and gave them supreme power over us, he made humans powerful and cast us here in this wasteland because we simply wanted to take what was ours. I despise you the way I despise those humans."

Lust looks at Lilith who is still holding her body in pains.

Satan looks at Lilith who says,

"This is not normal, the flames of hell have never caused us pain before. Lust what have you done?"

Lucifer then looks at Lust and says,

"You are banished Lust, from hell."

Lust begins to tremble more and more as she has her head in between her legs.

Lilith then says,

"You can come back to hell back again once you have proved yourself worthy of being a demon. And you would not have all your powers complete."

Satan mumbles some incomprehensible words and the gates of hell are flung open. He gestures to two tall, giant demons and they drag lust and they toss her through the gates of hell.

Lust turns to look again but the gate closes and vanishes.

The other faithful look at Lucifer with fear as he says,

"You better have good news for me or else..."

The Holy City Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora