“Lou hurry up we don’t have a lot of time and you have to get ready for our date.” It’s like she knows how to get under my skin and I don’t have to turn around to know that she’s smirking. Louis doesn’t even argue with her he just lets go and plants a kiss on my cheek before telling me that he’ll see me later.

I sigh softly and don’t bother telling him goodbye, I just walk to the elevator and wait for Niall. Tears have brimmed my eyes and I’m not sure I’ll be able to put up with this for six months. This was a stupid idea and now all I want to do is go home and forget about Louis, because he’s forgetting about me. Niall’s arm slips around my tiny waist and I turn to him and bury my head in to his chest and let the tears out ruining my make-up. We stand there for a while and he just holds me. Finally we decide it’s time to go so he presses the button and I tidy up my make up in a mirror that is hanging on a wall in the hallway. We step in to the elevator and the doors close just as Eleanor and Louis walk around the corner.

We lock eyes briefly and he can tell I’m upset, it’s hard not to notice. “Cheer up Iggy,” Niall wraps his arms around me and brings me in for a soft hug as the elevator doors open and we get bombarded by the excited screams of hundreds of teenagers who are standing behind a barrier in the huge lobby of the hotel. The security team usher us out the front and in to a car that’s waiting out the front.

I’m silent on the way to the restaurant we’re eating at tonight, I’m just not happy and honestly if I can’t be with Louis what’s the point of me being here. “I want to go home Niall,” I say quietly as we sit down at the restaurant.

“We haven’t eaten yet,” He frowns.

“No I mean I want to go back England,” I shake my head at his innocence and he frowns at me again. He’s been trying his hardest to cheer me up and make me not notice how much time Louis is spending with Eleanor.


“I never see him. What’s the point of being on tour if I never get to spend time with him?” I ask softly.

“Me and the lads. Just because you don’t get to see Louis doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have an amazing time while you’re traveling the world and staying five star hotels.” I know I probably won’t end up leaving and when I finally get to see Louis for more than thirty seconds and I tell him that I want to go home he won’t let me. “I know you miss him and you’re upset that he spends all his time with El but he really does care about you and if you just go home he’ll be devastated.” He says. “I’ll be devastated if you go home babe,” He adds and flashes me a cheesy a grin.

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