Chapter 14

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“What?” Danielle squeaked as she stared at her best friend in shock. The whole room was silent. No one was breathing, no one was moving. Either they were looking at Eleanor or they were looking at Liam. I was staring at Eleanor trying to figure out if she was lying or not. Danielle was sitting next to me on the sofa, I grabbed onto her hand for support.

“I having been sleeping with Liam for the last three months,” She confirms.

Danielle turns her small body and looks at Liam. “Is that true Liam?” She asks softly as tears brim her eyes. Liam just stands there in shock staring down at Danielle, he’s speechless. He doesn’t know what to say and poor Danielle is sitting there waiting for him to deny what Eleanor has just said.

“Dani I …” He trails off as he watches the tears fall from her eyes and her perfectly applied mascara smudges. Danielle doesn’t need to hear anymore, she can tell by how speechless he is and how he won’t deny what Eleanor is saying that it must be true. “Please,” He whimpers as he walks around to the front of the sofa.

She stands up, “You got her pregnant,” She murmurs as she looks away from him. Liam tries to grab Danielle’s hand but she pulls away. “No! You got her pregnant!” She raises her voice this time and Liam flinches at her tone. She’s accusing him and now he can’t deny it. I briefly wonder if he knew that there was a chance that the baby could be his.

“Babe please let me explain,” Liam says softly as he reaches out for Danielle again. She shakes her head as more tears spill from her eyes and she walks away from him and over to the door. “Dani please don’t walk away from me!” Liam pleads as his former girlfriend yanks the door open.

“You are a pathetic excuse for a man, Liam!” She hisses at him as she storms out of the house hastily swiping at her tears. Liam stand there and watches her leave.

A few moments pass and everything is silent. Eleanor stands from the sofa and walks over to Liam and puts her hand on his shoulder, “I’m sorry,” She whispers and she walks out the door. No one knows what to say and poor Louis is sitting next to me on the sofa gripping my hand tightly. He glances at me and shakes his head before he gets up and walks over to the door where Liam is.

“Congratulations,” He sneers at his band mate as his fist collided with Liam’s jaw. Louis stalked out the door after looking back at the rest of us with an upset look. I wanted to follow him so I could hug him but I knew he was angry and just needed to be alone.

Liam put his head down and walked upstairs quietly not saying anything to the rest of us who were sitting in the living room in shock. When his door closed I turned to Zayn and he looked at me curiously. “You knew didn’t you?” I asked him softly.

He nods, “He told me just before Eleanor announced it.” He said. Harry looked at Zayn curiously, I knew that he would take Louis’ side, I’m not sure anyone would side with Liam if it came down to it. He betrayed his girlfriend, his band mate and his best friends. How would you justify saying that’s ok? I felt bad for Danielle, she didn’t deserve any of that and it was hard to watch because we all knew that she loved Liam with all her heart. Louis on the other hand had admitted that he didn’t have feelings for Eleanor anymore but the fact that she cheated on him and with one of his best mates was devastating to him.

“You knew and you didn’t tell Louis?” Harry was getting upset, Louis is his best friend.

“Just before she said that she had been sleeping with him, I didn’t want to be the bearer of bad news,” Zayn replied.

“Harry shut up there’s nothing we could have done, it would have happened anyway, we just need to let them sort it out.” Niall said as he stood up and walked into the kitchen. I followed him and sat on a stool by the kitchen island and watched him as he pulled out the ingredients for what was looking like a glorious sandwich. “Would you like one Igabella?” He asked when he looked up.

I smile softly at my Irish friend and nod my head, “Do you think this is going to ruin the band?” I ask nervously.

“I hope not but we’ll just have to wait and see.” Niall sighs, I can tell that he’s worried. I hop off my stool and walk around the island and wrap my arms around his waist and he wraps his arms around my neck and hugs me tightly.

“Do you think Louis will be ok?” I look up at him and he smiles down at me.

“He’ll be fine, he just needs to blow off some steam,” He says. “I know you’re worried but he’ll come back soon. Maybe he’ll be drunk like last time and tell you that he loves you again.” I giggle and think back the time he came home drunk as a skunk. He told me that he thought he was in love with me and called me Igabella.

“I wouldn’t mind,” I grin up at Niall and he chuckles.

“We know,” He lets me go and starts to make us sandwiches. After a while everybody disappears in to their own bedrooms. I decide to stay down stairs and watch a film waiting for Louis to come home. I’m worried he’s gonna go out and do something stupid.

Louis’ point of view

I stumble through the door at about eleven thirty at night. I’ve been gone all afternoon and evening just drinking away my problems. I started to think what would have happened if I had never hit Imogen with my car. I still would have been with Eleanor and when she told me that she was pregnant I wouldn’t have even questioned her and she would have got what she wanted. Me, my money and the baby.

When I walked out of the house after punching Liam I chased after Danielle, I couldn’t watch her cry it was heartbreaking, she didn’t do anything to deserve this. I took her for a drink and then I took her back her house, I was worried that she might do an Iggy and run in oncoming traffic. She was devastated.

After I left her house I went back to the pub and proceeded to drink until I could drink no more. As I walk through the house I switch on a light, everyone is in bed. I feel bad that I just walked out and left Iggy by herself. Didn’t tell her where I was going and when I’d be back. And I gave her such a horrible look as I left. I was just angry at everyone.

An unmentionable word came out of my mouth when I saw the sight in front of me in the living room. Imogen was sprawled out on the living room floor. Her clothes were ripped, she had a bloody gash on her head and she was bruised all over her stomach and arms. “HARRY! NIALL! ZAYN!”I yelled out loudly as I stumbled over to her lifeless frame on the floor.

I pulled out my phone and quickly dialled 999 as I put my fingers to her wrist to make sure that she had a pulse. “999 what’s your emergency?” The lady said on the other end of the phone said.

I quickly explained how I had just found Imogen laying on the floor looking like she had been attacked. She told me that the ambulance and a police officer would be at our house soon and not to touch anything. “What’s going on why are you shouting? Holy Jesus what happened?” Niall squeaked as he looked at the living room and spotted Iggy lying on the floor.

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