Chapter 16

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I fell asleep on Louis’ shoulder while we were driving out in to the middle nowhere. So when I woke up the car had stopped and Louis was easing off my seatbelt and it looked like he was planning on carrying me inside. It was the middle of the night when we arrived and it was so dark that I couldn’t see anything anyway. “Hey,” He smiled down at me when I opened my eyes and looked up at him.

I studied him carefully and realised how tired and exhausted Louis looked. “You look sleepy,” I tell him quietly as I sit up slowly and try not to stretch.

He nods. “Little bit,” He admits. I’m not sure that’s completely true he looks like he’s one word away from falling asleep on top of me. I’m curious to know where we are so I look over his shoulder but it’s too dark to see anything.

“Where are we?” I ask him curiously as I look around. I can’t see anything. We can’t be in a city or a town or anything like that because it would be lit up.  

“Welcome to the middle of nowhere,” He says and helps me out of the car. We get out of the car and Louis slips his arm around my waist gently and leads me over gravel road to what looks like a log cabin. He leads me up five steps and a light pops on outside automatically lighting up the front porch. It is a log cabin, it’s got a small table and some wooden chairs on the porch, Louis pulls out a set of keys and unlocks the front door.

I briefly wonder where Ted the bodyguard went but I stop when Louis flicks on the light and the log cabin lights up. The whole place is amazing and cosy, there is a small fire place that is burning a small fire so when we step in to the house the whole place is warm. “Wow this is nice,” I comment as we step inside and Louis closes the door behind us. There is a small leather sofa, a coffee table and a television, it’s set up a bit like the living room at home. On the right hand side of the cabin is a dining room and opposite the dining room, straight ahead of where we’re standing is a small kitchen.

On the other side of the kitchen is a hallway with a heap of closed doors so I assume that those are the bedrooms and bathrooms. “Why did you bring me here?” I ask quietly as Louis takes me over to the sofa.

“Well I thought that after everything you’ve been through with-.”

“Don’t say his name,” I shake my head and pull away from Louis. I’m not complaining about him putting his hands on me but talking Thom is uncomfortable and I don’t want to remember. Louis frowns and reaches out to pull me back to him but I shake my head again. Now that I’m thinking about him I’m getting these weird chills through my body.

“Iggy,” Louis breathes softly and frowns when I pull away from him. I’ve never done that before. Tears prick my eyes as I get flashbacks of all the things that happened on that night, even things that I don’t remember are popping up. “Don’t cry I didn’t mean…” He trails off as he watches me take a step back. We were about to sit on the sofa and now I’m just standing there in the middle of the living room crying.

“I think I’m going to go to bed,” I whisper.

“Iggy…” He looks hurt.

“I’m sorry,” I mutter and walk off down the hall way. I’m not sure where my bedroom is so I just walk in to one of the room and scream when I see four lads sitting on one of the beds.

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