Chapter 2

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We talked for over an hour and Imogen told me about her relationship with Thom and what she saw that made her run out of her flat like that and what she thought when she saw my car barrelling towards her. “Are you expecting someone?” I ask her as she glances at the door. She had looked to the door quite frequently. I wasn’t sure if she was hinting at me to leave or if she was expecting someone to visit her.

“Well … yes but I don’t want to see him,” She murmurs uncomfortably and looks nervously at the door again. She’s told me all about Thom and quite frankly I already dislike the guy, he sounds like a rather large twat and Imogen is absolutely terrified of him.

“I erm …” I’m hesitant because I don’t want to get involved where I’m not wanted. “I could tell security not to let him in if you’d like,” I’m a little nervous for her reaction but my nerves calm when her pale face lights up and she nods.

“That would be nice thank you, I’m going to try and organise a hotel for when I get out, I don’t have any friends in the area and I don’t want to go back to our flat, I’m afraid he won’t let me leave if I go back.” I frown at this and shake my head and before I know it I’m telling her that she can come and live with me and the lads.

“You can stay with me and my band mates; we have a spare room since Zayn’s sister just moved out.” I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me, I’ve only just met this girl and that’s because I hit her with my damn car and now I’m asking her to live with me. I just want to look after her.

“Louis I couldn’t possibly do that!” She objects straight away, I knew she would. But that wasn’t going to stop me from bringing her home and wrapping her in bubble wrap. She looks so vulnerable and fragile, I wanted to wrap her up in a big blanket and tell her everything would be ok.

“Nonsense I owe you, you’re not suing me or pressing charges or doing anything horrible and you’re a nice girl, I couldn’t possibly let you stay in a hotel when we have a spare room.” I shrug my shoulders, I flash a cheeky grin and she smiles back. She closes her eyes and lets out a breath of air.

She looks at me again and then nods her head, “I’ll pay rent and everything!” She insists.

“You don’t have to pay rent Imogen, we already own the flat and everything gets paid for by the record label, just don’t eat my carrots and we’ll be best friend.” I grin at her and she laughs and frowns bringing her tiny hand to her head and groaning. “Don’t hurt yourself,” I tell her instantly, the thought of this girl being in pain and not being happy and laughing pains me and I don’t like it at all. “Did the doctor say when you can leave, Imogen?” I ask her curiously.

“Stop calling me Imogen, only my mum calls me Imogen when I’m in trouble, call me Iggy.” She tells me, I look at her curiously and wait for her to continue, “My middle name is Grace so everyone calls me Iggy,” She tells me.

“I like that name,” I chuckle.

Imogen’s point of view

“I’m not sure if I have to stay overnight or not.” I sigh looking down at my legs. They’re covered with a white blanket. I thankful for everything that Louis is doing for me but I would hate to over stay my welcome. I just need somewhere to stay until I figure out what I’m going to do; maybe I should go home to my mum and dad.

Her Protector - One Direction Love StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora