Chapter 12

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I’m so shocked I just don’t know what to do, why would Zayn invite her all the way out here? It’s not like Louis is happy to see her! Why would he do something like that? But then just as Eleanor was about to speak Zayn pulled up in a car of his own. “Zayn!” Eleanor coos and rushes over to him.

“No fucking way,” Harry mutters to himself.

“What the fuck is going on?” Louis growls. His grip around my hand tightens again and I frown and tug on his hand. He completely lets go this time not even looking at me. He’s staring at Zayn and Eleanor.

“Louis calm down,” Liam advises as he gets to his feet.

“Will you chill the fuck out Louis? Eleanor and I are just catching up.” Zayn chuckles with a happy smile as they approach us. They sit down on one of the blankets and start chatting like this isn’t a big deal. What the hell does Zayn think he’s doing? It doesn’t matter if they are just catching up Zayn should have at least a little bit of respect for his friend and his feelings and do things like that when Louis is not around.

“Good news Louis I’m pregnant!” Eleanor shouts with a giant grin.

My jaw drops and Louis just stands there staring at Eleanor. “What?”

“I’m pregnant,”

“It’s not mine,” He says.

“Who else would it belong to silly?” She asks.

“Who the fuck do you think? You have been cheating on me for how long? Eleanor you hardly ever put out. Do you think I’m some kind of mug? I want a test and I want to know how far along you are because I’m not an airhead like you and I know the last time we were together!” Louis shouted at her. I just stood there watching the interaction between the two of them.

“And I suppose you’ve moved on to your new bitch then,” She sneers coldly and glances at me. What did I do? Why is she so jealous of me?

“For your information I have,” He shouted and grabbed my hand hastily and pulled me away from the group. We stopped by the box of sandwiches and picked up some food and wine and a blanket and he pulled me along to the other side of the lake where we set up our own little picnic. “I am so sorry you had to witness that,” Louis murmurs as he lies back on the blanket and covers his face with his hands.

“Don’t apologise I don’t blame you for acting like that,” I tell him softly as I sit on the blanket awkwardly with my legs crossed. I don’t know what to say to comfort him; he might be an expecting father.

He sits up and looks at me. “I’m sorry I said that I moved on with you,” He murmured.

“Why are you sorry?” I liked the kiss, I was a little confused as to why he was apologising for telling Eleanor that he had moved on because that’s exactly what he had done. I wasn’t expecting us to be exclusive or anything but it was a bit obvious that he had moved on.

“I uh … I dunno. I don’t regret kissing you or anything I just didn’t want to label it until we talked is all,” He says slowly as he runs his hands through his hair. I smile softly at him and crawl over to where he’s sitting and hug him while kneeling on my knees.

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