Special Chapter: Noel Birthday

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Noel woke up like just every other day; she didn't even know that today was special. Other than Christmas, she had no reason to think that today was special at all.

"Happy Birthday, Noel!" Her red-haired roommate said loudly,

"Ugh... Tsubaki, it's too early for this." Makoto groaned as she pressed her pillow to her head to drown out the noise.

"Makoto, you may not care about Noel's birthday, but I do!"

"M-my birthday?" Noel said he was confused.

"Of course that's what today is after all!" Tsubaki said.

"R-really?" Noel asked

"Yeah, do you not celebrate your birthday?" Tsubaki asked

"I guess I mean, I did get a cake to myself on Christmas every year, and everyone paid attention to me more," Noel stated.

"See, it's your special day!" Tsubaki said she grabbed the blonde girl's arm.

"Let's go out and have fun!" Tsubaki said they were dragging the girl outside their dorm.

"Brother why do I have to interact with the obstacle!?" Jin cried

"She's our little sister and besides it's her birthday!" Ragna growled

"B-but Brother!" Jin whined

"No buts unless it's you're ass wishing Noel a happy birthday!" Ragna yelled

"HI Ragna and Jin!" Noel said happily seemingly tuning out the argument

"Happy birthday Noel" Ragna said

He glared at Jin and elbowed him in order to make him talk

"Ughhhh! Happy birthday bitch..." Jin scowled

"Jin say it properly!" Ragna yelled

"No Brother I refuse!" Jin laughed

"Aww thank you guys!" Noel said not getting that she was dissed

"Let's get away from these losers..." Tsubaki said pushing Noel away but she wanted to spend her birthday and Christmas with Ragna and Jin

"Can I spend Christmas and my birthday with them too!?" Noel asked

"Ugh Fine...." Tsubaki sighed and the four of them went to have fun

A/N: Happy Birthday Noel Vermillion 2/25 and Merry Christmas!

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