Run in with the Principal

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"Brother wait up!!" Screamed Jin as he ran after him. Ragna looked back at his brother and made a disgusted face before looking away. "Jin, it's your fault we're in this mess. Don't talk to me" Ragna spat. Noel glared at her siblings. " Stop arguing, you two. This is why we are in this mess." She sighed as she wondered what the principal was going to be like if the headmaster was that scary. She imagined some giant hulking man who's body was riddled with scars and hair, a person with sharp teeth and claws, someone with monstrous strength and three eyes. The very thought made her shake in fear. Ragna noticed his sister was shaking, so he held her hand. " You don't have to worry you aren't the one who's in trouble" Ragna laughed, causing Noel to pout. " You shouldn't be in trouble at all... mother taught us better" she sulked as Ragna pat her on the back. The three of them finally made it to the principles office. Noel was about to make a run for it but Ragna grabbed his sister by the arm. " Where do you think you're going?" He sighed, pulling her in with them. To her dismay. Ragna opened the door to the room slowly, making Noel die from anxiety and suspense. As soon as they opened the door, a voice echoed throughout the room. Noel dear!!!" Someone said as they tackled Noel to the ground. "Aunt Nine your suffocating me", Noel said, being muffled by the girl's huge breasts. "Witch!!! Are you the principal!?!" Ragna yelled. Nine conjured up an arm, grabbing her nephew by the head. "Watch your mouth..." Nine snarled before explaining she was just friends with the principal. She pointed to the desk and there Ragna saw the principal. She didn't look particularly strong. There was a man next to her doing work. He looked stronger than her but he was older. ". That's just a shitty kid!!" Ragna shouted as Nine kicked him. "I told you to watch your mouth Ragna!!!"Nine screamed "please don't be too hard on him auntie", Noel said in a cute voice. That went back to pampering the girl. " What a sweet girl, nothing like your brother's, that's why you are my and Celica's favorite", Nine said lovingly as she started hugging Noel tighter. "I think I should leave and go back to class", Noel said, breaking away from Nine. She glared at her lovingly before tackling her again, "My dear Noel, don't ever leave me" Nine said, kissing the girl all over. Ragna and Jin looked over at what was transpiring. Ragna was trying to get Nine to stop and Jin was just mad that Noel was getting attention. The principal just glared at the four of them and sighed before speaking up, "Noel, you are dismissed. Nine escort her back to class" she said, throwing everyone off with her British accent, "but before that do you want some tea?" The girl asked Noel, nodded as she got the tea. almost immediately Ragna asked if he could have tea but the girl glared at him "why would I give a Mongrel like you anything?" She asked angering him Noel finished her tea "thank you Ms. Uhhh" Noel realised she didn't know her name and started to panic. "Sorry I didn't introduce myself. I'm Rachel Alucard", the girl said Noel, properly thanking her. Nine blew Rachel a kiss as the two girls left the office. "Hey auntie, are you cheating on Jubei with Rachel?" Noel asked as they walked down the hall. "No, not in this universe at least", Nine chuckled. Noel tilted her head in confusion. "Universe?" She said Nine, just pat her on the shoulder, telling her to forget what she had just said. Rachel was sitting there thinking about something that girl Noel. She looked familiar she thought, but she quickly turned her attention to Ragna and Jin "your kinda cute Ragna just like Celica said you were" she giggled making Ragna blush in embarrassment "Brother don't fall for that whores trickery" Jin screamed Rachel brought down a thunderbolt striking Jin in order to shut him up. "You two aren't in trouble since I am a family friend I just want you to know I'm not going easy on you" Rachel sighed taking a sip of her tea "go drink river water" ragna said under his breath Rachel heard Ragna "say that again Mongrel" Rachel sighed face palming "listen I'm letting you off with a warning I don't want to see you two in here again understand?" The two nodded in response as Rachel dismissed them this was going to be a long year Ragna thought as he walked to class he tried to ignore Jin's whining but he wouldn't shut up Ragna managed to run away from Jin finally making it to his sword weilding class "sorry I'm late teach I had to go give my uncle something" Ragna sighed he looked up and his eyes widened there were three girls and all of them looked like Noel. "WHAT THE FUCK!!!!" Ragna screamed as he looked at the three girls that stood before him.

Note: The universe Nine referred to is The Witch and the Rose (Nine x Rachel) by thatrandomsweatshirt

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