The Next Day

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Timeskip the next day...

Tsubaki woke up next to Noel. She really wanted to caress her. "Noel get up, we have class early today", Tsubaki whispered sensually in Noel's ear. 

"Oh Tsubaki, I'm not going to class today. Ragna wanted to talk to me", Noel said, letting out a yawn.

Tsubaki got ticked off that Noel was skipping class without her. "I'm coming too" she yelled, waking up Makoto.

"Shut the hell up!!!" Makoto yelled, throwing a pillow at Tsubaki. 

Noel started laughing. The two girls glared at her. " What's so funny!!" The two shouted. 

"You two seem like a cute couple" she giggled, annoying Tsubaki deeply. 

Ragna sat in the courtyard waiting for Noel. He wanted to ask her if she knew anything about the three girls that looked like her 

"Damnit what's taking her so long?" Ragna scowled, hoping his little sister didn't get lost 

The bell chimed as Ragna let out a large sigh as an old man approached him

"Skipping class huh..." the man growled, grabbing Ragna by the collar of his shirt. 

"Wait, where are you taking me you old fart!?!" Ragna yelled as the man dragged him to the principles office. 

"Madam Rachel, I collected the delinquents for you" the man said, throwing Ragna half hazardously into the room.

" Thank you Valkenhayn". Rachel tapped Nago to get him to turn around so she could see the newest delinquent. 

"Oh Ragna, it's you..." Rachel sighed in disappointment "You really like seeing me, huh?" She teased, ticking Ragna off. 

"Shut it Rabbit!!" Ragna scowled, getting an evil look from Valkenhayn.

"My my Ragna, you have a mouth on you" Rachel said, sipping her tea. 

"Suck a dick" Ragna growled, trying to leave the room. 

"Ragna, I wouldn't leave if I were you. If you go now, I just might just have to expel you", Rachel sighed. 

"Fine, what do you want" he scowled, walking towards her 

"You see, Ragna, usually I would expel people like you, but since I know your mother and wouldn't want to break her dear heart, I will give you a chance to redeem yourself," she sighed. Ragna just glared at her. 

"Go to class 3-E. I will make you look after Taokaka" she said, pulling out a hall pass and a note. 

"No anyone but Tao!!" Ragna screamed trying to plead with the girl. 

Taokaka was Ranga's cousin. She isn't the sharpest tool in the shed and is a handful. She needs constant supervision from someone or disasters will ensue. 

"You don't have a choice if you don't ill expel you", Rachel sighed. 

Ragna growled, knowing he didn't have much of a choice. "Fine!" He angrily scowled, walking out of the office.

Ragna made his way to class 3-E. When he finally made it there, he quickly realised how much of a disaster this was going to be. Inside there was a man in his late twenties playing with nails, a girl with really short tight jeans on and two other students he couldn't really see.

"Hello, I'm here to pick up Tao" Ragna grumbled, looking up and meeting his gaze with the teacher.

"Hello, I'm here to pick up Tao" Ragna grumbled, looking up and meeting his gaze with the teacher.

"Oh Ragna it's you... about time you were sent here" the pink-haired girl said while she sucked on her lollipop,

"Shut it Kokonoe." Ragna scowled, looking around for Taokaka. 

"Now that's not how you talk to family, Ragna," she sighed. " Well, anyway, Tao is waiting in my office go get her". She said immediately, turning to the assistant in the room. 

"Tager go discipline those damn kids" she scowled, leaning back in her chair.

Ragna felt the gaze of two students in particular. One had green hair and was wearing a hat. The other was hooded. He could see green poking out from it but didn't get a good look at his face. He just ignored it and went on into Kokone's office to find Tao. 

"Nice Guy where is Creepy Guy and Lacking Lady" Tao asked, tilting her head to the side. 

"We have names you know". Ragna scowled.

"Bye butt lady, big guy, scruffy, green man, and big sis see ya latter!!" Tao screeched. Ragna immediately yanked his cousin out of the room, flipping Kokonoe off on his way out. 

"Why me?" He scowled while walking down the hall with Tao in hand. He immediately shook it off. "Tao Where to first?" He solemnly asked Taokaka. She got really excited. "cafeteria!!" She screamed "Shut up!!" Ragna yelled, making Taokaka start to cry. Ragna immediately realised he had messed up.

"Tao, if you stop crying I'll buy you an ice cream" Ragna, panicky, said Taokaka. immediately stopped crying "Hey were you faking that? God damnit!!" Ragna yelled. 

"Ragna, hasn't mother Celica always told you to watch your mouth?" said Noel as she walked up to her brother. 

"Lacking Lady!!" Taokaka yelled in excitement, latching onto her cousin. "Tao what are you doing here?" Noel asked, "I have to look after her so I don't get expelled" Ragna sighed. Noel looked up at him in disappointment.

"Noel who is that?" Tsubaki snarled as she finally caught up to Noel and saw Taokaka clinging to her. "Oh, this is my cousin Taokaka", she happily said. 

"Why is everyone related to you?" Tsubaki laughed, jotting Ragna's memory of what he needed to ask Noel. 

"Noel, do you know there are three girls that look just like you that claim to be our sister?" Ragna said. Noel just cocked her head in confusion. 

"No, but I met these girls in the cafeteria yesterday that reminded me of you". She said their names were Nu, Lambda, and Izanami, I believe" she said. 

'That's them!!" Ragna shouted. Hakumen walked out of the classroom. "ugh Ragna I knew I heard trash", he scowled, "I'm sending you to the principles office for disrupting classes" he scowled, "and you two shouldn't you be in class!?" He yelled, pointing at Noel and Tsubaki he immediately ran back into the room to tattle on them barely a few minutes later Valkenhayn came running in as soon as he saw the four he let out a sigh 

"Mr. Hakumen, can I talk to you in private" he said the man followed. 

"See that blonde girl over there?" Valkenhayn whispered, pointing at Noel. "Unless you want this school to go six feet under, I suggest that you never send her to the principles office" he told the man. Hakumen sighed and went into the classroom disappointed.

"Ragna, I covered for you but we genuinely don't want to see you in that office again, do you understand", Valkenhayn scolded. He told the four they could be on their way and they obliged as they made their way to the cafeteria. 

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