Argument and Punishment

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Tsubaki pulled the girl out of bed and slapped her "don't be rude" she scolded looking at the girl with stern eyes the brown haired girl punched tsubaki in the stomach trying to make Tsubaki let go but she didn't so she kept punching Tsubaki winced in pain but kept her grip on the girl "that's enough!!" She yelled headbutting thr girl blood dripping down both their faces "you bitch" the girl snarled punching tsubaki in the face it didn't look like it did much damage to the girl "don't swear in front of Noel!" Tsubaki scolded punching the girl back "I don't don't give a damn I can say whatever the hell I want!!" The girl yelled going in to punch the girl again Noel got in the middle of them "That's enough I don't want any more fighting !!!" The girl frantically screamed stopping the two girls the brown haired girl scoffed as she went to exit the room "wait what's your name?" Noel asked in a panic "it's Nanaya don't wear it out" the girl said in a mocking tone before leaving "She seems like a nice girl she had a cute tail too it looked super warm and fluffy" Noel said smiling thinking she just made a new friend "I'll make sure to cut that girls tail off next time I see her" tsubaki mumbled Noel asking what she had just said tsubaki panicked telling Noel she said nothing "Noel where the hell are you!!!" Screamed Ragna making Noel's head perk up "I'm sorry Tsubaki I have to go my brother is calling me!!" Noel yelled running out of the room in the complete wrong direction "Wait Noel you aren't heading towards the voice you are running away from it" Tsubaki said catching up to the girl "come on the voice was this way" Tsubaki said holding Noel's hand taking her towards the voice "there you are Noel I was worried sick" Ragna sighed "come on let me take you to clas-" Ragna was interrupted by Jin "Brother I finally found you again" he said in a loving tone "damnit not this again" Ragna groaned running away "wait Ragna what about class?" Noel tried to say but Ragna was already far gone Noel sighed not knowing what to do since she didn't know where her first class was "Don't worry Noel I'll bring you there what do you have?" Tsubaki asked in a loving tone "I have tactics class" Noel said showing the girl her schedual "hey these are the same classes I have" Tsubaki said happily while grabbing the girls hand due to tsubaki's guidance they were able to get to class early the room was pretty empty besides the students crowded around a particular desk "look at that filthy creature" one girl said "what a disgusting creature demi-human are disgusting" another girl said "ladies stop bully Nanaya and bully me" said a man across the room "shut the hell up Kagura we'll bully you later " one of the girls said throwing an eraser at him but it was blocked by a boy with Blue hair the girls immediately went back to what they were doing they kept insulting Nanaya one of the girls slapped nanaya in the face telling her to get out of her sight so in retaliation Nanaya shoved the girl sending her flying crashing into the wall all the bones in her leg shattering in the process "you're a monster we're going to tell principle Rachel and headmaster relius and you'll be sorry!!!" The girls shrieked running away "wow that was so cool Nanaya!!" Noel said in amazement patting the girl on the back Nanaya slapped her arm away "get away from me and dont touch me" she said annoyed that Noel was touching her "but your so soft I want to touch you" Noel said as she began to pet her tail "Nanaya you should let people touch you more often for example me" Kagura said glaring at the the three girls in a creepy way Tsubaki noticed how he was glancing at Noel and went up to him to start choking him "yes harder put more effort into it choke me like you mean it" kagura gasped making tsubaki let go "what it wrong with you!?!" Tsubaki said in disgust and confusion Kagura was about to answer but he was interrupted by Jin walking in "Hi Jin looks like we're in the same class" Noel said estatically Jin glared at his sister "oh its the walking pile of trash of course you'd be her" Tsubaki glared at him rage in her eyes "Noel who is that?" She growled Noel went up to her brother and put her arm around him "this is my brother Jin he can be mean sometimes but he really is the kindest person I know besides mother" Noel said patting Jin on the back clearly aggravating him he grabs his sword and swung it at his sister trying to cut her down but it was blocked by Kagura "Now Jinny didn't I tell you this isn't how your supposed to treat a lady?" Kagura said getting his attention "oh kagura it's you I have half the mind to kill you for getting in my business" Jin growled not realizing what he had been called "where the hell is the teacher he's late?" Nanaya sighed tapping her desk forcing it to crack "who's late now?" Said the cat beastkin that just walked in "hello class I'm Jub-" he was interrupted by Noel who had ran up to hug him "uncle Jubei!!!" Noel yelled her entire face lit up as she ran up to hug him "do you want catnip?"Noel asked pulling it out of somewhere "where did that come from?" Jubei asked in shock and confusion but was ignored by Noel he just sighed and told Noel to sit down so he could take attendance before Noel could sit Down ragna bursted through the door "hey old man, the witch is here she wanted me to give you the lunch you forgot" jubei looked at the attendance sheet and saw Jin's name on it he looked up and saw Jin in the corner his head perked up oh no he thought as Jin started screaming "brother!!!!" He screamed running up to him pulling out his sword clashing with Ragna's aramasa, Jubei immediately wrapped his tails around their neck "you two go to the principles office I don't have time for this bullshit" jubei scoffed "Noel you go make sure those two make it there in one piece" he sighed sending the three on their way

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