Chapter 10 - Pity

Start from the beginning

"150 a box" the pharmacist spoke, my heart dropped but then again, we had the money. "Great"

I payed and turned to leave when I bumped into someone, a strong someone who resembled a wall, someone who made the bag fall hard on the floor.

"Fuck" I fumbled with the bag and my heart sank when I saw that the box had popped open, I took out all the pens to find out that each one of them where cracked, "No..." I breathed, I picked them up shakily and put them on the desk, "Can I still use them?"

"A cracked pen could cause a lesser amount of insulin to be injected, the person who is injected would end up with high blood sugar"

My ears were blocked and I could not for the life of me understand what that meant, so I just stared at him with expectant eyes, "No, no you cannot" he sighed.

"Okay uhm... can I get a refund?" I asked, scared of what the answer might be. "This pharmacy doesn't accept refunds, I'm sorry" he sighed, "I... I don't have the money to buy more"

"Not my problem" the pharmacist shrugged, I was about to punch him square in the face when the person who I bumped into prevented me from doing so. I turned around, fury filled my every being.

"What's your pro--" I stopped when I saw who it was.

"Ryle?" it felt as if I was hallucinating.

"Yeah?" he chuckled, I slapped him. "Your stupid ass just made me throw to waste 150 fucking dollars of life-saving medicine" I pushed his chest and felt my eyes starting to get blurry. I was not going to cry in public and especially in front of Ryle West, because of this I decided to walk out of the store and drive to my hidden little forrest.

As the wind started to blow on my face I felt the tears coming down like water falls, I parked and walked into the spot I shared with my late father. I sat down and for a few minutes comfortable silence consumed me, until... 

"I'm sorry, Phoebe." Ryle carefully placed a pharmacy bag next to me, I peeked into it only to find out that he had bought not one, but two boxes of insulin pens.

"I-- I--" I was stuttering and making a fool out of myself, "You're welcome" Ryle sat down next to me but he didn't speak in his usual arrogant tone. "You-- This was worth--"

"300 dollars? Yeah" he sighed and I stopped hugging my legs, I sniffled and wiped my eyes, "Why?" I asked, my shock was stopping me from forming coherent sentences.

"It... broke me to... see you like that, and the fact that it was because of me made me want to rip my heart out." he chuckled lightly, I turned to look at him only to find out that he was looking at me.

"Why? I know that I already asked but... why do you care? For all you know I'm a bitch" I chuckled, trying to light the mood up. Ryle looked at me dead in the eyes; "Do not call yourself a bitch, Phoebe Monroe. The girl who I laughed just a few days back is not a bitch and I... I think that that's the real you."

"Maybe" I shrugged, "Why do you need the insulin either way?" he asked, since he literally wasted 300 dollars on me I thought that he could know. 

"My sister was diagnosed with diabetes" I sighed and went back to hugging my knees.

"Thank god that they payed the 34K" he muttered to himself but I heard. I heard.

"What?" I asked in a quiet yet angry tone, "I--" he started, I didn't allow him to continue.

"What are you talking about?" I stood up and rose my voice, I was talking loudly but not yelling. "What? Pho, I--"

"Don't play fucking dumb with me, Ryle" I pushed him away from me by his chest, "How the fuck do you know about the 34K my family needed?!" now I was screaming. 


"Don't you even think about lying." I warned in a threatening, quieter tone. "I... I overheard my parents talking about you needing a bunch of money, okay? My mom wanted to help out a bit but my dad didn't wanna, I convinced them to help, but from what you told me last week they payed in full. Thanks to me. You should be thanking me."

As soon as he stopped talking my jaw dropped. "I'm waiting" he spoke arrogantly and there he was again.

I kicked him in the crotch hard and he bent over in pain.

"I don't need anyone's pity, Ryle. Especially yours. You're not my savior  and you should've stayed away from my business. I never gave you the right, you're an entitled piece of shit, Ryle West. don't speak to me again" and I went back to yelling, can you blame me though?

"This is my spot, so if you want to prove that you can do anything right in this world leave and never come back"

Ryle let out a strained "Okay" and walked back to his car, I went after him to check that he actually left and once he did, I hopped onto my motorcycle and headed home to give my sister her medicine.




The team was unbelievable and the streets here in argentina are still PACKED (i was out celebrating for HOURS). I can't even begin to explain how I'm feeling, the pride I have in being born and living in argentina, as soon as Molina scored that penalty I hugged my family and I started SOBBING.

After 36 eternal years we're world champions again, what a way to crown your career Messi.

un poco de español para decir que ser argentino o argentina es mucho más  que nacer acá, ser argentino significa tener la celesta y blanca tatuada en la piel, en las venas. ser argentino es un sentimiento que solo nosotros vamos a entender. VAMOS ARGENTINA CARAJOOOOO.  🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷

(tecnicamente cuando subo esto ya son las 0 hrs del lunes 19 pero me chupa un re huevo)

- ro

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