Camilla: Maybe you should ask your son.

I stand up still holding the book against my chest.

Camilla: Now if you'll excuse me I have to get ready for a wedding.

I take a step to leave but he stands up grabbing my arm to stop me.

Vito: We are not done yet!

I can feel the man towering over me and bite the inside of my cheek not to show any signs of weakness. He circled me like a lion circles his prey and I stood my ground ignoring the trembling of my hands.

Vito: You are a pretty little thing aren't you? Is that why Matteo wants you? Do you suck him good huh?

I feel his hand on my hair and my disgust acts before I can pulling away from him.

Camilla: Get your hands off me!

Vito: Please! Don't act like no man ever touched you. That must be it right? The money, you spread your legs for him to choose you. Maybe you could do the same with me, after all I am still the head of the family.

The smile on his face showing nothing but wickedness made my stomach churn and the moment he lifted his hand to touch me I slammed the book on his arm letting it fall down.

Camilla: Get away from me!


He grabbed his arm and cussed at me. His eyes fell on the book and then back at me.

Vito: What is this?! Your plan to kill us all?! Is that it?!

I saw madness in his eyes, when I thought every wicked thought was visible in Matteo's eyes I saw something even more inhuman in Vito...

I took a step backwards but it wasn't enough. He grabbed my arm and the next thing I knew he was choking me, actually choking me. Wanting to take the air out of me. I was digging my nails on his arm trying to free myself but it was no use!

Vito: You little slut thought you could take down Vito Angelinni?!

He laughed bringing his face closer to mine as he tightened his grip. My vision started to blur and my lungs were burning as I was holding on to the last drops of oxygen left in my body.

At that moment was that I realized it would be a shame for me to die like this when I have survived so many other things...And I also understood Matteo had no intention of hurting me- he never touched me like this. Vitto was trying to squeeze the life out of me and he was successfully doing it.


A gunshot shakes the whole room and the next thing I know I am on the ground coughing and holding my throat trying to regain my breath. Vito turns around slowly and now I only face his back. My vision is still not clear but when I look up I see Matteo standing on the door, gun aiming at his father.

Matteo: What do you think you are doing?

There is no life in his voice but yet I can't describe the happiness I feel hearing it. Tears run down my eyes but I don't make a sound. I can now see it clearly. Matteo staring at his father while the older man fix his suit laughing at himself.

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