"I'm hungry." I responded right as my stomach growled loudly, causing Harry to stare down at it.

"Didn't your brothers teach you endurance?" Harry rolled his eyes as he looked away.

"No they fed me because food is important." I sassed as I looked up at him madly.

"Come on Harry. I haven't eaten all day. I didn't even eat at all yesterday. How long are you going to starve me?" I questioned as I grabbed his wrist and pulled his arm.

He looked down at my hands before up at my eyes, occupying himself with his own thoughts.

"There's nothing to eat around here." Harry muttered as he glanced around.

"There's a vending machine right over there." I pointed out as his eyes followed my finger.

"You don't have any money." Harry suddenly said, causing my eyes to widen slightly.


He then smirked at my reaction, knowing he was absolutely correct and only he had the money to pay for it.

"Looks like you're gonna have to find money on your own." He grinned before he pinched my cheek, causing me to scrunch my face in disgust.

He then sat down as I frowned, wondering what I had to do to get money from Harry.

I can't beg for it, that would make me look bad. I needed to persuade him.

I then walked forward towards the train tracks, causing Harry to look up at me with caution.

"Athena what are you doing?" Harry asked as I ignored him.

Just when I was about to take another step I dropped on the floor, pretending that I fainted as multiple people gasped in shock.

"Athena!" Harry called as he rushed over to me along with Liam and Louis.

"Is she alright?" A random lady asked as a crowd started to form around me.

"I.... I feel light headed." I talked slowly as I placed my hand over my forehead while Harry scooped me in his arms.

"Oh my you must eat something girl!" The lady encouraged as I held in my grin.

"I haven't eaten in two days." I sighed as the lady gasped.

"Young man you need to get her food right now. She can't be fainting like that." She persuaded as she looked over at Harry.

"It's ok we'll feed her."  Louis said as Harry carried me back towards the benches.

"You're full of sh*t you know that?" Harry growled quietly to me as he set me down.

"Mm clever sh*t you mean." I winked as he pulled out his wallet and handed me a five.

"Go get yourself some food but come back immediately. No tricks." Harry ordered as I gladly took the bill and stood up.

"Yeah yeah." I waved as I walked through the crowd and made my way towards the vending machine.

I stared at my options before I placed the bill inside and picked two different snacks, waiting patiently as they both fell down.

As soon as I bent down to grab it I felt someone approach me from behind, causing my senses to be alert before I stood back up.

The second I turned to go back towards Harry I felt a hand grip my wrist tightly, causing me to gasp as I was pulled away from the vending machine.

"Don't scream. I don't have much time." A familiar voice spoke above me as I parted my lips in shock.

"Blake?" I gasped as I looked into his familiar eyes.

"What are you doing here-"

"I need you to listen to me. I have a plan." Blake interrupted as my heart started racing.

"How did you know I was here? Are you rescuing me?" I asked as he licked his lips and anxiously looked around.

"No- the Violet Kings outnumber me right now. I have a plan that can get rid of these guys for good and prevent them from kidnapping you." Blake stated as my eyes grew wide.

"I attended the ball because I knew you'd be there. And sure enough, you all were. I was planning on bringing you back home but there was another gang there messing up my entire plan. I got out of there in time when the gun shots started firing." Blake informed as my heart raced against my chest.

"I'm glad you're safe." He added as he ran his hand against my cheek.

"You were there? Wait why can't we just escape right now? They're not looking." I asked as I grabbed his hand.

"No we can't Athena. They seem to be good at finding you and taking you away from me. I can't have this happen to you again so I have a plan that I need you to follow." Blake said as I nodded my head.

"Tell the Kings that you have money hidden in an abandon wear house located in EastVill. Bring them there exactly at 10pm on Friday. I'll be waiting for you there." Blake ordered as I tried to remember everything he was saying.

"What's going to happen?" I asked as Blake looked away briefly.

"It's going to be a trap. I'll have all my men there and we'll be prepared to kill every single one of them." Blake informed as my eyes grew wide.

"But only you can lure them in Athena. I need you to do this for me okay? Then we can go back home and begin your assignment." Blake mentioned as I swallowed tightly.

"I'll see you then." Blake said as he began pulling away.

"Wait- Blake just take me now please!" I begged as I followed him.

"10 pm Friday!" He announced as he disappeared into the crowd.


"Where do you think you're going?" Harry asked as he grabbed my arm and yanked me back.

I swallowed tightly as his dark eyes bore into mine.


"Come on our train is pulling up." Harry interrupted as he dragged me back to the station.

As soon as we got to the benches the boys stood up with their bags and loaded up inside the train, leaving behind my brother once again.

I have no idea how Blake is catching up to us so quickly. And how he knows every single one of my plans. I guess he was the smartest one in the family. He is always one step ahead of everything. Just like Harry.

"Sit." Harry ordered as he pointed at my seat next to the window.

I looked down at my section before I sat down and leaned against the wall, feeling overwhelmed by everything Blake just told me.

I couldn't believe he was here right now. He traveled all this way, attempting to rescue me at the ball but failed just like I had. He's been right behind me this whole time and I didn't even know it.

He must really love and care about me if he's going this far in trying to rescue me from Harry. But why couldn't he save me right now? We had the chance to run out of the station and catch a cab, but instead he left me behind with Harry.

As happy as I was to know that Blake had a plan to end all of this- I somehow couldn't help but think it was wrong.

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