Desperation (lemon)

Start from the beginning

"C/N... What's going on..?"

I turn around and see a very sleepy Y/N, only in a big t-shirt of mine and some small shorts.

"Oh hey Y/N. What you wearing there?"

"A shirt and some was hot in here when the guests left, so I changed into shorts..."

"Is that my shirt?"

Y/N hesitates for a second and seems to be blushing.

"I'm gonna go to bed..."

He starts toward his room, but ends up falling asleep as he's walking. I quickly rush over to catch him, and carry him to the nearest room to me. This room happened to be my room. Thankfully I already had my glass in there. With that, I put Y/N in my bed and put my blanket over him.

Well, I guess I have a cuddle buddy for the night.

I shrug to myself and shut my door & turn the lights off. I put my phone on my charger and lay down next to Y/N. I quickly notice how comfy and cute he looks in my shirt. A warm smile grows on my face at the thought. I get myself adjusted and prepare to drift off. A few minutes after I get settled, Y/N changes positions in his sleep so his back is to me and he's right up against me. I'm already on the edge of the bed, so I don't try to move him as I put an arm around him. Y/N adjusts in his sleep, causing me to bite my lower lip & prevent sounds from coming out.

Shit... Here we go.

I end up slightly sighing but trying to cover it up by adjusting again. By doing that, though, I end up brushing my lower half against his again on accident. A quiet noise comes out of me since I didn't expect the feeling.

I didn't know I was already this worked up, damn.

I try to stay still so nothing happens, but Y/N half wakes up and turns to me rubbing his eye.

"C/N..? What am I doing here..?"

Just tell him to go back to bed so you can sleep without him turning you on.

"It doesn't matter, you're alright. You can go back to sleep."

What the fu- that's exactly what I said not to do!

Y/N turns around and snuggles into my chest, wrapping his arms and legs around me like a koala.

"Okay, night..."

I decide to just take my fate and deal with it at this point. Y/N moves so his leg is between mine and falls asleep again shortly after.

Fuck not again.

I try to stay still, when my fidgety tendencies get the best of me. I feel like I need to move or I'm going to implode, so I move. This sends a rush of electricity up my body and back down and makes me let out another accidental noise.


I go wide-eyed realizing what I just did and try to keep my mouth zipped shut. My heart is beating out of my chest once again. I'm desperately trying to keep my cool.

I can't sleep easily now. Not with this stupid hard-on going on anyway.

I attempt to will the problem to go away, to no avail. I start to feel fidgety again, and try to fight it off.

I just need to calm down. I can't let anything happen.

Soon enough I can't hold it back anymore and move again. This time the feeling is much more intense with all of this tension built up.


At this rate I won't last an hour. But I don't think I wanna stop...

Seconds after I have that thought, I freeze up. I once again attempt to shake the thought and idea out of my head. I move again, just desperate for more friction at this point. I struggle to keep my mouth shut and slightly moan again. I feel him shift and panic.

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