Chapter 14

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"It's always at the worst time," Morgan grumbled in agreement as she got to her feet. She needed to hear what was going on and needed to know if she was needed. She wouldn't go on the mission. She wasn't a fighter, but that didn't mean she couldn't help her family. Loki kept pace with her and escorted her, keeping her safe. He didn't know what was happening either, but he trusted that he would be able to keep Morgan safe from whatever it was.

The pair headed down together to the conference room. Morgan led the way, since she knew how the Avengers worked better than Loki did. She'd been through plenty of these meetings. They slipped into the conference room as the rest of the team was gathering as well.

Cap stood at the front of the room and waited until the whole team arrived before he told them about Hydra's latest attack that needed to be stopped. He gave out assignments to the team members before each headed off to get ready and meet back up at the jet. He finally got to Loki and Morgan and looked between them, clearly trying to decide what to do with the pair of them. Loki kept a firm but gentle grip on Morgan, his arm protectively around her shoulders. She was in his care until he was told otherwise. Cap considered for a long while before he finally said: "Someone needs to stay behind and keep Morgan safe." He didn't want to leave Morgan alone in the tower, not with how big this Hydra attack was.

Loki inclined his head. "I volunteer," his words were easy. He wanted to keep Morgan safe. If he was assigned to do so, all the better.

Thor looked over at him, surprised that Loki would volunteer for anything, especially staying behind. Even more especially babysitting a mortal.

Cap ignored Thor's surprise and nodded, accepting Loki's words. It fixed two issues: Morgan's safety and what to give Loki for a first assignment to prove himself to the team. "Then her safety is your responsibility,"

Loki inclined his head again. An Asgardian warrior and Master Magician could keep one little mortal safe. "She is in good hands."

Tony gave him a stern look, then came over and kissed Morgan's hair. "Stay safe," he told her, worried as ever about his daughter. He softened a little. "We'd appreciate your help if you're up to it, little Oracle," he said fondly and ruffled her hair before he left with the rest of the team. Morgan nodded with a blush and agreed to be the Oracle for the team.

Thor clapped Loki's shoulder. "Be safe, brother,"

Loki winced slightly at the clap, but nodded, surprised by Thor's affection and worry. It had been so long since his brother had cared. "I'm more concerned about Lady Morgan's safety than mine." The words were true, the sentiment real. Loki hardly valued his life after what he'd been through, but Morgan... she helped so much.

The team finally headed out, taking the jet to the attack. Morgan took Loki's hand firmly in hers. "C'mon, dad wants my help," she explained and dragged him down the hall to a massive computer room. Loki summoned his armor as he was dragged. He hoped he wouldn't need it, but he wasn't going to take the chance that he would need it and not have it.

The room they entered had computer screens everywhere, already lighting up with Jarvis' interfaces in a manner that was incomprehensible to anyone but Morgan and Tony. Morgan slid into the extra fancy computer chair. She was clearly at home, clearly belonged here. She didn't have armor, didn't have weapons. But she was still important to the team. She put on her headset, watching all the screens and holographic keyboards appearing under her hands.

Her dad's teasing nickname of 'Oracle' became clear. She was watching the battle and giving directions to the team, to local law enforcement, to everyone important through the comm she wore, through the screens she watched. Just like the comic book character of the same monicker.

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