Chapter 1

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The battle of New York raged around the tower as Tony Stark landed on the landing pad of Stark Tower. He watched the god pacing the common area in front of the bar. The machines and Jarvis worked to remove his armor. He didn't like being vulnerable in front of the god, but his armor was too damaged. It needed to be replaced before he could continue the fight.

As the suit was removed, he made his way into the tower, looking over the scene as he did. His eyes and mind were trained to take in everything, especially with his years of experience with Jarvis' HUD. He was a genius and took everything in in an instant.

He knew without a shadow of a doubt that he had to keep Loki distracted, keep Loki's attention on himself. It wasn't just to save the world. It was to save Tony's world.

Hiding on the other side of the bar from the prowling god was Tony's 15-year-old daughter. He would recognize her bright orange-red hair anywhere. She had been left on his doorstep shortly after she'd been born and he'd loved nothing more in the world ever since. She was huddled with her back against the bar, her knees to her chest. She was wearing jeans and her favorite MIT shirt. She was so looking forward to going there one day. Her shoes were untied, as if she had just thrown them on to evacuate. Which was probably exactly what had happened. She had been evacuating when danger turned up right in front of her. She was supposed to be safe in the tower.

Tony desperately wanted to keep Loki from knowing Morgan was there, or knowing she existed. So he had to keep Loki's attention on him. He made his way behind the bar, not even sparing a glance to Morgan. He couldn't draw Loki's attention to her. He needed to buy time, especially with Loki watching him.

"Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity," Loki sneered, his attention firmly on Tony.

Tony could play this game, would play this game. He wished he had better weapons at the moment, but he would use what he had. "Actually, I'm planning to threaten you," he replied pleasantly, with his usual sarcasm and wit.

"You should have left your armor on for that," Loki replied, gesturing at Tony with his scepter.

Tony shrugged and made his way down the stairs to the bar. "It's seen a bit of mileage and you've got the glow stick of destiny," he drew Loki's attention back to the scepter in his hand, anything to keep Loki's attention off of the girl hiding behind the bar. He finally made it behind the bar and nudged Morgan further behind it, making sure she was firmly out of sight while Loki's gaze was on his scepter. That was all the reassurance and guidance he could give her at the moment. He just had to pray that she would stay silent. "Would you like a drink?" he asked when Loki looked up at him again.

Loki grinned, clearly enjoying this game. "Stalling me won't change anything," he said, his eyes glowing an unnatural blue. Tony noticed for a moment how young the god looked. He was thousands of years old, but what was he, 18? 19? And already taking over the world.

Tony couldn't deal with that at the moment. He had to keep Morgan safe, had to get his armor. He made a correcting gesture. "No, no, threatening," he corrected as he stepped played with the bottles and glasses behind the bar. "No drink? Are you sure? I'm having one," he kept his attention on himself.

He managed to get Loki talking as the slipped the suit's bracelets on his wrists. He babbled about the Avengers, not really paying attention to what he was saying as he tried to come up with any plan that would get Morgan to safety. He doubted the god would play fairly and let the girl escape.

Tony stepped out from behind the bar with his drink, still antagonizing the god. Morgan watched in horror, peeking out from behind the bar as Loki tried to take over Tony's mind. It didn't work. Thank God it didn't work. But then Tony had one last quip about performance issues.

Everything moved so fast as Loki lifted her father by the throat and threw him out of the window. He defenestrated her dad!!

"Dad!" She shrieked, watching in horror as her father went flying out of the window.

Loki turned to her, taking in the teen, her youth, her red hair, her intelligent eyes. It was clear the relation to Tony in those eyes. His blue eyes flashed with interest. "Why, hello," he greeted her in a seductive purr.  

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