Chapter 7

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Stark was most definitely going to kill Loki. He was stuck between a rock and hard place since Morgan had decided they were friends. He apparently had no say in the matter. Loki wasn't used to having friends and was doomed to friendship.

And being brutally murdered by Tony.

Morgan took Loki's cold hand with her warm one again while the team was still arguing. "C'mon, I'll show you where your room is," she told Loki. She was in high spirits and her speech was rapid-fire as she told him about the tower and who lived there as she dragged him to the elevator. Loki nodded along, easily keeping up with her. He wasn't much of a talker and tended to listen and observe before he did anything.

He definitely observed the Starklet. She still wasn't what he expected. She was intelligent, seemingly too intelligent for her age, her eyes full of mischief, mirth, warmth. Loki hadn't really had friends before on Asgard. This was a new experience. Especially when she seemed to like him for no apparent reason. Except for the part where he'd tried to save her life and hadn't hurt her when he'd been taking over the world. Still, it was strange.

The other strange thing about her was her magic. He kept seeing little glimpses of her golden power in his magical sight, but it was undeveloped, practically unactivated. It was strange. Mages got their magic when they were children and it grew when they did. It shouldn't be so... inactive at her age.

It definitely gave him something to ponder yet another mystery to solve.

Morgan gave him a full tour of the tower before she showed him to a bedroom on his own floor. "Here's your room. Thor helped me decorate it for you," she said as she opened the door. Inside was a plush green bedroom that was filled with bookshelves crammed with books that Morgan had thought a learned visitor would like.

Loki looked around, stunned at the detail. It was so comfortable and as homey as a Midgardian place could be. Decorated for him with such care. "It's lovely," he murmured, impressed and surprised that anyone would care.

Morgan grinned. "Glad you like it,"

"Thank you, Lady Morgan," he said softly. He stepped inside and began to look around.

Morgan followed him into the room "I wasn't exactly sure what kind of books you like, so there's a selection of a little of everything," she explained as Loki looked around the space. "We also got you clothes in your size and for both genders." She seemed to have no issues with the fact that Loki was gender fluid and just had accepted it in stride.

"Thank you," Loki repeated, touched. He looked through his closet and instantly fell in love with a suit in all black. "They're quite nice."

Morgan nodded. She saw his attention on the black suit of sexiness. "There's a press conference tonight to announce you as part of the team. that would be a good time to wear that," she informed him. She may have had a bit too much fun and a bit too much mischief picking out that particular suit.

Loki nodded, then paused to stare at her with wide eyes "Wait a moment. What??"

"What-what?" She asked. She thought she'd been pretty clear. Press conference. Black suit of sexiness. It was all pretty standard stuff in her world. And she really wanted to see him wear that suit.

"Why does it have to be announced that I am a team member?" Loki asked incredulously. He really did not want to spend the evening with the press. He hated the press and was sure the Midgardians wouldn't take kindly to finding out he was back on Midgard. "Wouldn't the Avengers want to keep it a secret?"

Morgan shook her head "Not at all. The world knows that you were mind controlled too. Even if that dick of a father of yours won't believe it. By announcing you, the team shows their support of you and remind the world that you're one of the good guys. It'll cause fewer problems. The event won't be that bad. A short announcement followed by food. The snacks are to die for. I'm looking forward to those," she would clearly be there too, despite not being part of the team. She was still a minor after all. For a couple of weeks.

Loki furrowed his brows, then sighed. "What time?" He clearly wasn't getting out of this, despite that he just wanted to curl up on that comfortable-looking armchair and start devouring books.

Morgan grinned, pleased she'd won. "Six. Down on the 2nd floor of the tower. There's a big ballroom and meeting room there. No one can get above that level of the tower without security clearance," she added, figuring Loki would care about security.

Loki nodded. "I'll be there," he said, resigned. He hated the press.

"See you there," Morgan said brightly and left him to his own devices until then.

Loki watched her go and sighed before he went to take a long shower. He needed to charge before he got sucked into socializing.

What had the little Starklet and his idiot brother gotten him into?

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