Chapter 2

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It was always bright and early for Sana. Throughout the years, she's become an morning bird whilst her husband, Jungkook, rested until mid-morning.

Most of the days, Sana prepared a simple breakfast for Jungkook so when he wakes, he could eat without worry. Then, they would take a morning walk around the neighborhood and take a shower.

But, this week will be different. They had company which ruined their set routine, but it's okay. But as for Jimin and Taehyung, they slept in and woke when their eyes easily opened, they had no worries.

Once freshen up, the couple sat to eat breakfast that Sana and Jungkook throughly prepared together, "you're welcome." Sarcasm was used by Jungkook.

Taehyung looked up and dropped his brows toward Jungkook, "thank you." He says, looking at Sana just to irritate Jungkook—it worked. He haunted until he was elbowed, "Taehyung." Jimin warned. Taehyung looks up at Jungkook again, "thank you." He says. It sounds forced, but Jungkook was too tired to accuse.

"Sana and I will be sleeping. Please, be quiet."

Jungkook picked a plate with food and wrapped his hand with Sana's, he lead away. Jimin and Taehyung watch and went back to eating after they left.

"What do you want to do today?" Jimin asks.

Taehyung halts for moment before smiling tinily, he didn't expect Jimin to keep his word from yesterday but he was. He promised they would do anything he wanted today, together. Taehyung is over-enjoyed.

He starts to eat again, "we can do some shopping for the house and go for lunch. We also have to pick up something for Jungkook and Sana to show our grati-tude." Taehyung explains with his mouth full.

Jimin shows a slightly disgusted expression, "don't talk when you're eating." He corrected. Taehyung quickly nods and chews and swallows his food, "right." He whispers, "right." Jimin nods along.


A heavy sigh leaves Jimin's lips when finding out he got a cart that didn't function correctly. He wanted to return it and get another one, but they were already deep into the store. There was no going back.

He leans over the handle, watching Taehyung talk to himself, excited, a smile lacing his lips. He missed this. After working hard to earn money, Jimin forgot just how much he missed these types of days with his lover. How could he not? Taehyung is his best friend and boyfriend, he was such a good person to be with.

Too dazed that he didn't see Taehyung walking until he felt the cart he stopped by a force. Taehyung had the cart on held, getting Jimin's attention, he smiled and held up the reason why he stopped in the first place. "Can we get these?" Taehyung asked, holding paired soap dispensers.

Jimin examined them and nodded. "Sure, we can." He trusts Taehyung with the decorations for the house—he was an artist after all. Taehyung was good with this type of stuff and he was not. Taehyung placed the items in the cart and skipped off to a new aisle, and Jimin behind him—adoring him only.

"Babe, we should get some paint. I really don't like the colors on the walls." Taehyung frowns.

Jimin nodded slowly. He was cautious to be watchful of Taehyung. He too wanted to care for him like he did and notice the small things that showed that he cared. "What colors are you thinking, Taehyungie?" He asked, figuring where the paint aisle was located.

"All sorts of colors! Greens! Blues—what do you think of indigo? Tells a story, doesn't it?"

Jimin's glad he's mastered hiding his true feelings because if Taehyung were to see his true expression, he would probably be upset with him.

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