Chapter 1

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Late spring. Jimin's favorite time of the year.

He grew fond of the rainy season that urged him to jump on the small puddles and have morning—or an evening dance out with Taehyung whilst it rained on them. And not to mention, there was a tradition Taehyung and he have made—sharing a cup of hot tea while watching the drops of water splash down.

There was an obvious reason as to why Jimin really adored and looked forward to this time of year.

Jimin's eyes didn't want to leave the sight of pouring outside the moving vehicle, but somehow, his eyes found themselves moving to Taehyung who was steering the car. He could see the determination on his face Taehyung made that was easily unscrewed.

"Under ten minutes, baby, don't worry." He was told.

With a nod, Jimin faced the window and viewed the gloomy mid-day rain and before he knew it, he was amazed once again by it.

Two years and half has pasted. It was odd to think about. Jimin and Taehyung were in school two years ago and now, they're busy buying their first home.

This wouldn't be any different from how they spent their youth together since they've spent every waking—and sleeping moment. From dashing down halls to sneaking out late at night and now, to leaving home for good—well, of course they'll visit, but annually.

After they graduated from high school, Jimin and Taehyung pursued two different careers. One has to rise early in the morning where the other gets to sleep in and stay home all day. That's part of why they had to get a place to themselves anyway.

Jimin took a job under a company where he sat behind a computer to type boring files. Though, he hates it, it pays off—literally. Jimin wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't paying right. On the other hand, Taehyung is an painter in the night and spent daytime as a cook for this restaurant in the city.

But they realized they need their own space away from their parents and the familiar faces when they were caught having sex in the kitchen of Jimin's house. Taehyung was kicked out the house that night and wasn't allowed back for about a solid month.

Which lead the young couple to finally buy a house with their shared income—where they were headed to this very moment. Their home is a small place for them to grow and harvest in their jobs nearby, and also to get a fresh new beginning.

Jimin and Taehyung no longer wanted to be known as the couple who pretended to be in a relationship before they were actually in a relationship. And for that, it caused their status to be in jeopardy various of times because because some people just wouldn't respect their relationship.

Jimin and Taehyung always trusted each other, but there is always that hint of jealousy and emptiness they felt whenever an unhealthy situation happened.

Taehyung glanced over at Jimin and figured to make conversation that way they wouldn't be bored for the last few minutes of the car ride. "Take the wheel, Jimin, I'm tired of driving." His voice earned Jimin's full attention. He showed a tired pout.

"No, you said you would drive. No take backs." Jimin struck out his tongue as a way to tease Taehyung.

He chuckled seeing Taehyung roll his eyes, "I know I did, but..." Taehyung sighed again this time. Jimin raised an eyebrow, wondering what was wrong with Taehyung—or if he was being dramatic.

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