¹⁵. 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐷𝑜𝑤𝑛𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑙

Start from the beginning

"Let's go, Level 4."

"Engine three. I'll meet you there," Tony looked behind him and headed toward a container, which probably kept the suit in place.

(Y/N) leaded the rest of the way to the engine with no signs of protest from Steve, since he guessed that she probably knew the place better than he did in the last few days. They came across a heavy metal door that easily opened after a small effort from Steve, and they both quickly stepped into the damaged part of the helicarrier in a matter of seconds.

Cut wires and debris covered walls surrounded the area, and two agents assisted an injured one by putting his arms around their shoulders and walked him out with precaution. The stinging smell of smoke and fire came through (Y/N)'s nose in a second, and she inspected the area to find a safe spot where to stand and stabilize the helicarrier just as Fury had told her to.

"Stark!" Steve held onto a yellow metal ladder to stabilize himself. "Stark, we're here!"

"Good," Tony's voice appeared before (Y/N) could see him. Before she even blinked, she saw the familiar silhouette of him flying nearby with his metallic red and gold suit while leaving a trail of smoke behind. "Let's see what we've got."

(Y/N) saw him approach the area where smoke was coming out of, and she figured that's where he saw the main problem.

"Cap, I need you to get that engine control panel and tell me which relays are in overload position," Tony's masked face looked back at them, and Steve nodded at his words.

He jumped up to the spot that Tony had gestured, taking a few seconds to get himself stable before continuing with the instruction. (Y/N) adjusted her jacket and looked back at Tony with a questioning glance.

"Do you want my help?" she asked carefully, preparing to thrust herself up in the air.

"Honestly, I don't see how — " Before he could finish his retort, (Y/N) pushed her feet off the ground and allowed the gold and orange glow to embrace her, keeping herself steady in the air with the light covering her from head to toe. "I was not expecting that."

(Y/N) was ready to move away but Tony's voice made her stop. "Where was all that when we first met?"

"I think this is a conversation for another time," Steve cut them off from the other line.

(Y/N) cleared her throat and she pointed to the bottom side of the damaged part of the helicarrier. "I'll try to hold onto this side and keep the engine steady."

"Copy that, Lieutenant," Tony said in his usual tone.

With that being said, (Y/N) pushed herself down to the belly of the helicarrier and held her hands above her head to reach out and touch it with her gloved hands. She mustered all the strength she had in her body and used it to push higher in the air and stabilize the helicarrier the way it was.

"What does it look like in there?" Tony's voice returned and this time he was talking to Steve.

"It seems to run on some sort of electricity."

(Y/N) could sense the urge that Tony had to mock him. "Well, you're not wrong."

(Y/N) looked below and saw how the clouds were nearly touching her feet, and noticed the ground was visible from where she hovered. She was able to see the green scenery and the darker color lines that covered the entire area. It was breathtaking to say the least, and (Y/N) got distracted on that so she wouldn't focus on the heavy weight of the helicarrier.

"Okay, the relays are intact," Steve spoke up after a period of time, his voice strained by the harsh winds. "What's our next move?"

"Even if I clear the rotors, this thing won't re-engage without a jump," Tony explained from the inside of the turbine. "I'm going to have to get in there and push."

(Y/N) didn't like the sound of that idea. "If that thing gets up to speed, you'll get shredded."

"That stator control unit can reverse the polarity long enough to disengage maglev and that could — "

"Speak English!" Steve interrupted him.

Tony was losing his patience. "You see that red lever?" The silence from Steve's line indicated that he spotted it and made his way to it. "It will slow the rotors down long enough for me to get out. Stand by it. Wait for my word."

(Y/N) let out a groan of discomfort at the heavy weight of the helicarrier, and she hoped that Tony was getting close to fixing it up before her arms got too tired. She exhaled through her nose and motivated herself to push harder when all of the sudden, she felt the weight shift.

Before she could react, she saw and felt the way the side of the helicarrier began losing altitude in a matter of seconds, and she knew that this meant nothing good was happening in the control room. (Y/N) knew she couldn't keep the entire carrier steady by herself, and the urge to rush Tony in his process of repairing the turbine was getting hard to resist.

"Stark, Vaughn, we're losing altitude," Fury stated the obvious. If (Y/N) wasn't that busy, she would've had the strength to roll her eyes.

"Yeah, no shit," was all she could muster.

"Yeah, I noticed," came Tony's reply.

Everything was happening too quickly, just a few seconds ago, (Y/N) was battling in trying to keep the entire helicarrier from losing altitude with no prevail, and in a blink, the faint sound of the turbine gaining speed rang through her ears. The helicarrier began to stabilize itself in the air once again, making it easier for (Y/N) to hold it up.

She knew this was a good sign, Tony was pushing the turbine himself, and even if she wasn't a big fan of the entire idea, she couldn't deny that it was working.

"Cap, hit the lever," Tony requested.

"I need a minute here!" Steve's voice came through pants and strains.

"Lever, now!"

(Y/N) decided to leave her spot from the belly of the helicarrier and head over to the last spot she'd seen Steve in. When she got too close, she was able to see the way he was dangling in the air by a single cable keeping him afloat. Before she could assist him and pull him into the floor, she saw another figure a few feet away, who began firing at her when he spotted her.

The masked man didn't bother in stopping his firing and (Y/N) didn't waste a second in raising her right fist and blasted him off a few feet back, knocking him out cold and leaving a faint golden glow from the blast. Steve, in the other hand, was able to pull himself up and pull the red lever down quick enough to free Tony from the turbine before he was shredded to pieces.

There was a moment of silence, in which (Y/N) waited for any sign that Tony had been able to escape from the turbine in time, when she heard the familiar sound of his suit coming their way.

The trio made their way out of the damaged part of the helicarrier, ready to meet back with the others when (Y/N) heard Fury's voice from the comms once again, but this time in a much serious tone.

"Agent Coulson is down."

"A medical team is on its way to your location."

"They're here," Fury said. "They called it."

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