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Hybrids are creatures who have a human and animal form. They can transform between both easily. But in human form they have animal-like features(ears and tail). Or in some rare cases, they are stuck in transformation(basically Chopper/minks/fishmen). Most hybrids help their owners go about their daily lives as they are either treated as pets or wild animals. Humans get along with them but there are a few(a third of the population) that believe hybrids should be either in a zoo or put down.

Runaway hybrids are usually taken back to their owners or sent to a zoo or adoption agency. Hybrids must wear a collar in public, or the owner has to pay a fine, or said hybrid is detained. Hybrids by themselves in public can have their collars checked to see if they actually belong to someone. If they don't then they will be detained

Here's how I set up this world. Grand Line is a supercontinent that's divided by a wide river, the All Blue River. One half of the continent is called Paradise, it's more small towns and a few big cities. The other half is called New World. That's were all the big cities are with fewer small towns.

Laugh Tale(where Mira and some of the main characters live), is right on the edge of New World, bordering The All Blue River and South Blue Ocean. Also, East and South Blue Ocean borders Paradise, while North and West Blue Ocean borders New World. I will add more info later, such as islands and stuff, even a map if I can. But it will be a bit.

Mira's House: Imagine Steven Universes house. But it has a office, two extra bedrooms, and another bathroom. Still has a loft design but where the warp portal is, is the other two bedrooms and bathroom. The office is by the bathroom underneath the loft space, which allows for a deck/balcony to be right outside the loft room(if that makes sense) I have it to were Laugh Tail has two cliffs, one for the lighthouse and the other for Mira's house. The front of the house faces the road to town and has a dirt road that goes down the side of the cliff. It's also like Sosukes house in Ponyo, location wise. I might draw a small map of the place. I already have a bigger map drawn for the entire continent.

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