After a while I was able to forget my concerns for the most part and finally had an honest smile on my face.

Be it the alcohol or Jisungs talent to cheer someone up, I was feeling a lot better.

That was until I realized that I had lost him somewhere in the crowd as well. I had just closed my eyes in bliss once and twirled around and he was gone. 

That wasn't good.

My eyes scanned the crowd for any familiar face but not even Sana or Yeji were anywhere to be seen. I felt another pair of eyes on me and turned in the direction only to look at another stranger. As if looking back at him was an invitation, he started to walk towards me. 

"Hi", he smiled and tried to dance with me. Something felt weird about him. My body stiffened and I awkwardly swayed from side to side. 

I tried to adjust my dress, my hand gripping onto the fabric nervously. 

"I'm Taeyong by the way". His name rang a bell somewhere in the back of my mind but I couldn't pinpoint it. It sounded so familiar...

That's when I noticed the neon green string he wore as a belt.



My brain started to scream at me like a siren in alarm. 

"Where's Chan?" I asked the enemy and he grinned at me.

"He's busy." That sounded horrifying. I looked over my shoulder in hopes to find Minho or Jisung somewhere in the crowd, hell, even Jeongin would be helpful, but none of them were near. 

"Johnny has told me about you, Y/N, right?"

Taeyong, the leader of NCT. 

Double Fuck.

What was I gonna do? Surrounded by danger and no Stray Kid in sight. 




"Yes, it's nice to meet you!" I returned his smile. 

"You're new to this, aren't you?" Did he see through my act so quickly? My smile froze as his head nodded towards my dress. "No tattoo yet" he added, relief flooding through me and unleashing a new feeling. 


"Might just be somewhere you can't see" I flirted shamelessly and winked at him. 

He gave me an honest laugh and nodded, focusing on his watch shortly after. "It was nice to meet you too, Y/N". And with that he turned around and walked off. 

I hectically looked around again, desperately searching for the other guys that I was supposed to be with, instead I found another girl looking directly my way. When our eyes met, she decided to walk up to me. Her dark hair was put into two braids and she was wearing a bright pink two piece set, looking absolutely gorgeous. 


That means ally or friend.

I hope.

"Hi, Y/N" She said when she reached me, smiling at me friendly although her eyes told a different story. 

Great, the second time this evening that somebody knows my name but I don't know theirs. 

I mirrored her examining gaze, adding a hint of confusion and taking a step back cautiously.

"I'm Jihyo". Amazing. That didn't help either. She saw my still confused face and added "Sana's ... friend". I nodded in relief. 


I couldn't help but analyze Jihyos presence. She stood straight, confidence oozing from her every move. I had no doubt she was just as smart as she was beautiful. And her expectant eyes on me told me, I was probably right in my guess.

She had to be the leader of Sanas gang. 

"I saw you talking to Taeyong earlier."


"Don't unite with the enemy."


I profusely shook my head, opening my mouth to tell her what happened but she beat me to it. 

"Where's Chan?"

"I- I don't know-"

"Y/N!" As if she summoned him, he jogged up to us, seemingly relieved to see me. His expression changing when he saw who I was with. There were drops of sweat on his forehead and when he came closer, I noticed a tiny cut on the side of his ear.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N, I got cornered. NCT trapped me-"

"Have you lost your goddamn mind, Bang Chan?!" Jihyo screamed at him in outrage, her eyes glaring at him. The air between us three heating up, anybody could tell that they had a close relationship from her reaction.

She looked like a disappointed, angry mom or sister. 

Or girlfriend.


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