The wedding

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They wake up at 9 am, same as every morning for the last month, they have their two plates for them and they eat, do official work, then spend the rest of the day together.  But today is different, they eat and then Merlin goes to find Gwaine, his best man, because it's wedding day.  Gwaine helps him get ready while Elyon helps Arthur prepare. In about 2 hours, Gwaine walks Merlin down the isle with Elyon and Arthur following one Gwaine and Merlin reach the altar.  "Do you, King Arthur Pendragon of Camelot, take Merlin, to be your husband and king?"  The Druid priest said. "I do." Arthur responds.  "And do you, Merlin, take Arthur to be your husband and king?" The Druid priest asks Merlin.  "We will now perform the hand-fasting as a symbol of uniting their love." The Druid priest said as he tied there hands together.  After 5 minuets, the Druid said "you may now kiss the groom."  So obviously they kissed and removed the ribbon.

"And now because they are married, we must carry on with King Merlin's coordination. "Do you, King Merlin, swear you will protect, defend, and care this kingdom and it's peoples?" The Druid priest asks. "I, King Merlin of Camelot, solemnly swear to protect and care for Camelot and it's people." Merlin responds with his hand on his heart. "And with that, you are now King Merlin of Camelot."  The Druid says while placing a crown on Merlin's head.

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