Morgana and John

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One day, Merlin and Arthur woke up in the middle of the night to the alarm bells going off. The ran out to find a dead knight to find it was caused by magic. "Fultume me." Merlin casts as he sees a vision of Morgana through the body with the scrying spell he just used. "Um, love. Morgana is alive." Merlin said with concern is his voice. "How is Morgana still alive? You killed her with your magic." Arthur asked, also concerned. "I don't know but we have to deal with it." "Someone must have resurrected her." "Do we have anything in the vaults that could be used?" "Is there something Morgana liked down there?" Merlin asked. "Yes, there is. The dagger I gave her." Arthur said ashamed he did that. "That's what resurrected her, who knows who was sacrificed to resurrect her." "Well how do we deal with it Merlin? Your a sorcerer so do you know anything that could help?" Arthur says as he starts to cry in fear. "Shh, shh. It's okay Arthur, we'll figure it out. We've fought her before, we'll do it again." Merlin attempts to comfort Arthur. "But what about this time? It's not the same Morgana as we fought before. This one can't die with the weapons or magic we used before." Arthur tries to say while balling his eyes out. "Hey, hey, remember the sword. We can find it. Do you know where you left it?" Merlin still comforting him while reminding him about the sword. "Yes, it's in the vaults on the rack. You'll see it." Arthur says while still balling. Arthur spends the next 30 minuets crying in Merlin's arms because he's scared. "Emrys, you should not have gotten married to Arthur, I will kill you and Arthur will be so broken. I'm not sorry. It will allow me to take over Camelot." Morgana said into Merlin and Arthur's head. Arthur started balling into Merlin's chest for another 15 minuets. Once Arthur stopped balling in Merlin's chest out of fear, they went to the vault to get the dragon sword. They found it on the rack wrapped in a cloth. "Have you noticed John goes missing right before people get sick?" Merlin says as he though about it. "Wait, are you saying John is working with Morgana?" Arthur questions. "I'm sorry love but yes, that's what I'm saying. We need to search his home." Merlin says. "Your right, let's go." Arthur replies clearly feeling betrayed by John but hiding it. They get to the house and find a magically enchanted doll used to cause illness. They manage to arrest John but there's no sign from Morgana. All they know is people are still getting sick and it needs to be dealt with properly. "We need to boil the water." Merlin suggests. "You're right but how?" Arthur asks. "Come with me." Merlin says as he grabs Arthur's wrist and takes him to a field. "What are we doing here Merlin?" Arthur asks confused. "You'll see love." Merlin says calmly. "O drakon, e male so ftengometta tesd'hup'anankes!" Merlin shouts and not even a minuet later, Kilgharrah comes flying down to Merlin and Arthur. "Why is he here Merlin?" Arthur asked not wanting to be burned to death. "It's okay love, he's safe now." Merlin assured him. "I see you two finally married, I've waited so long for this part of the prophecy, this is the best part." Kilgharrah says excitedly. "You knew we'd get married?!" Merlin asks shocked. "Yes, I knew" Kilgharrah says while chuckling. "Well Morgana resurrected and she brought back the Dorocha." Merlin explained. "I'm sorry, come again? She was supposed to die. How did she resurrect?" Kilgharrah asked now concerned. "Our servant, John, he's a sorcerer and he resurrected her." Arthur explained. "Oh, well if that's the case, do you have the sword I enchanted? "Yes, it's right here. Can it kill her though?" Arthur asks still scared of Merlin getting hurt. "Yes, it will kill her, this sword can kill the living and the undead." "Thank you, Kilgharrah. What would you like for helping us?" Arthur asks with relief and gratefulness. "Just do your best to build a great kingdom with the young warlock, King Merlin of Camelot.  Also, maybe try learning sorcery" Kilgharrah said.

As there walking to the isle of the blesses, Arthur noticed his fathers spirit. "Hey love, do you see father to?" Arthur asked. "Oh yes, I see him to." Merlin confirms. "How dare you marry someone for love? Let alone a man you love?!" Uther comes out screaming. "To bad father, I love him and you're no longer king! How do you think you stop me?!" Arthur screams back. "I'm you're father and you'll listen to me!" "I'm done, leave us alone! You're no longer in charge of the kingdom!" Arthur says as he starts to walk away. Uther just blocks his path with a bunch of logs to heavy to move. "onwards, unf¯æle rôt." Merlin says as Uther fled from the banishing spell. "Thanks." Arthur says gratefully. "I'm sorry Arthur." Merlin says apologetically. "Why would be sorry love? You got rid of him." Arthur says with a mixture of confusion and concern. "You just had a fight because of me." Merlin says with a tear running down his cheek. "Hey, hey, Merlin look at me. It's not your fault Uther is homophobic. I love you and I don't care what he says. Don't be sorry because of Uther doesn't approve. Please Merlin, it's okay. Don't apologize." Arthur says with empathy to Merlin. Merlin just gets a small smile of gratefulness. "I love you, Arthur. Thank you." Merlin says sweetly. "I love you to, Merlin." Is all Arthur has the energy to say after his fight with Uther. They continue on there way. Turns out Morgana's fled to hide and John is still locked up with guards constantly watching. Merlin put an enchantment on the locks earlier on to make sure prisoners don't use magic.

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