After hearing about his arrest, Xavier seemed to not have interest in this hearing any longer. He looks like he has given up completely, and he clearly didn't expect all of this to be brought on him today.

"Now, miss Smith, if you would take the seat. I will ask you questions about this man and I would like to hear what you have to say." He said and mom took a seat beside the judge, designated for testifiers.
"I will not drill you on specifics, I would only like to ask you simple questions relavant to this custody battle. You will be attending a separate trial when it comes to the actual murder case later on." Stone specified.

My mother nodded and Stone started the questioning. "First and foremost, you were close to this man for years and years before you went to prison, yes?" He asked. "Yes." My mom answered.

"So, considering his past and the time that you shared with him, do you think he is suitable to be a father, aro even be around children at all?" He asked. The jury leaned in all interested as if they didn't know the answer already.

"That would be a definite no." She answered.

The jury seemed to accept this answer and some leaned back, re-eavaluating who they thought deserved any bit of custody.

Stone asked a few more questions to clarify things like whether or not she thought he would go to prison. That would definitely be bad for Jonathan to have to witness so when she said that he most likely would, the jury seemed to make up their mind.

I looked at Val for the first time. I have been so focused on soaking up the fear and shame on Xaviers face that I haven't even looked at my lady.

She doesn't look as nervous anymore and seems almost satisfied with everything.
I continued staring at Val until Stone spoke. "With this in mind, let's bring the other witness out aswell." He announced and my mother was thanked for her time and taken back to the other room. She went in and a guy came out to replace her.

He has blonde hair and a shaven face. Overall a very professional and proper looking guy, and since he clearly isn't any sort of criminal the jury seems very interested in what he has to say. They all look to be anticipating his testimony and keeping an eye on him, evaluating how he holds himself and how trustworthy he is.

I fidget a little bit, starting to get a little bit bored. I mean, this hearing is already in the bag. The judge has to rule in favor of Val after all this, there's simply no way we can lose which makes me feel like I can put my guard down now. Val doesn't seem to share that sentiment as she very much still looks like she's on the verge of a breakdown. I wish I could be sitting there by her side but the rest of us have to sit back here.

Stone asked this other guy all the same questions and his answers were similar to mom's, sharing the same opinion of him as a father.
I only really paid attention to the last question being asked.

"Do you think this man is fit to be a father to young Jonathan?" Stone asked, ending with a dramatic flare. The answer is pretty much the same as mom's, except he seemed to hate Xavier even more. "No, I do not. This man doesn't have a paternal bone in his body." The man laughed. "He'll probably beat on Jonathan too, at least when he becomes old enough for Xavier's liking." The witness ridiculed him.

The jury's faces were kind of hard to decipher, they must have training in keeping a poker face. They all have neutral faces and some were writing stuff down.

The jury has to come to a decision, whether or not the judges choice is fair at the end of the trial. Basically, the judge makes the call on who gets custody, and the jury either agrees or disagrees. Our hope is that the judge gives Val full custody and prohibits Xavier from seeing Jonathan AND that the jury agrees with that sentencing.

But anyhow, now that we have made our case Xavier can defend himself. Or at least I think?

Val's lawyer spoke again. "We have presented all we need to. The last witness may rise and exit." He drank some water and sat down next to Val.
The judge then motioned to Xavier and his team.
"Your turn, mr. Montgomery. How do you wish to defend yourself?" He asked them.

The judge is an old man, most likely conservative from the looks of it. Let's hope he doesn't bias the man in this situation, but then again that's what the jury is here to prevent.
I guess he could be a sweet old grandpa too, I shouldn't judge...

Xavier's lawyer scrambles with some papers and speaks up. "We actually have some concerns we would like to bring up as well."

What? They're bluffing, Val is a perfect mom! They can not have anything on her, I won't believe it.
But then again, maybe they'll try to bring up something from the past? I don't know much about Val's past...shit.

Val started looking nervous and Stone's interest was clearly peaked, as well as the jury's. Xavier's lawyer, whose name I didn't catch, stood up and handed something to the judge and speaks.

"These papers are documents. She works at a nightclub that distributes illegal substances." He said. The club does what?

I looked at Val for confirmation but she looks weird. She doesn't seem shocked but also doesn't look guilty? I'm going to have to hear her defense...
Stone struck up conversation with her and they are now talking, probably about how this could affect her status and reliability.

Even if she did that, would it change my feeling towards her? No, you can't erase love like that. Would I think that she was a horrible person that shouldn't get to have a child? Yes. If she's some sort of drug dealer she's no better than Xavier. I mean the abuse part no...but still!

She looks calm though, like she has nothing to worry about. I feel like that's the face of somebody who knows they aren't in trouble.
The judge speaks up. "Mr. Stone. May I have your client on the stand?" He asked. They agreed and Val walks over to where the witnesses had been, next to the judges seat.

Xavier's lawyer started questioning her. "So, were you aware of these dealing taking place at your workplace?" He asked very accusingly.
Val answered confidently. "Yes, I was."

With that answer the judge and the jury looked confused again. There faces show exactly how I am feeling on the inside, what does she mean? The hell is she talking about?

"And did you have anything to do with these deals?" He asked again. She kept her calm and didn't seem to mind being asked anything. "No, I didn't." She answered. Now I'm just confused.

She knew the club was doing that but didn't have anything to do with it?
"Can you tell it like it is?" The lawyer pressed her. Val straightened her posture and began telling her side of it all.

"The club has the bartenders sell drugs to customers if they want to earn some extra. I however, have never taken up this offer. I never needed to, I make enough money from my normal tips and I have money from my parents who passed away and left me everything." She paused. "If this job somehow affects my defence, I can quit the second I get out of here. I promise, nothing illegal has been participated in." She finished.

Xavier's team looks a little more defeated and the judge has a thoughtful look on his face. "You may return to you seats, everybody." The judge cleared his throat while waiting for all of us to be back in our places.

"Now, does anyone have anything more they would like to present here today before the final sentencing?" He asked and no one seemed to have anything to say. He looked around a bit and then said something.

"I have reached a decision."

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