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Taehyung woke up with a throbbing headache. He looked around to see where he was. And that's when he saw that he was tied to a chair. He tried to lose the rope but everything was hopeless.

But soon was interrupted by a voice he once loved but now hated to the core.

His soulmate Park Jimin.

"Hello Tae, looks like you like my surprise."

"Why are you doing this. They were your brothers goddamn it...."

Jimin only giggled. He looked at Taehyung in amusement and came closer to touch his cheek.

"I did this for the both of us...."

Taehyung was utterly confused. What good could it bring without his lover and hyungs?

"What do you mean?"

"I love you Tae.... Now we could be alone and happy with no one to bother us."

Taehyung was dumbfounded. What the actual heck does it mean....

"You were my first love darling, But you always chose Jungkook. So I had to do this in order to make you mine. and mine only..."

Taehyung stared at Jimin in horror. How could he even....


"Ah huh....language. That's not how to talk to your boyfriend...."

"Boyfriend my ass....But why the hyungs huh? What wrong did they do?"

"Hmm...Hyungs knew about my crush for you yet they were happy with you dating Jungkook. So I had to get them out of my way as well...."

Taehyung was speechless. He wanted to scream and cry but the shock and sadness is too much for him to do so.

"Where is Jungkook?"

Taehyung whispered. He never saw his lover's body.

"Oh right.... He is in a bathtub full of water. I think he died hours ago."

That's it. Taehyung could not take it anymore. He started screaming at Jimin.


"Why Jimin just kill me too....I don't want to be with a murderer like you...."

Jimin was continuously staring at him. Soon he smirked making chills go down Taehyung's spine.

"I can't do it darling, I am obsessed with you... You are gonna be with me forever."

That all Taehyung heard before everything turned black again. 


-Author HM-

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