i'm thankful for you

Start from the beginning

I think both our parents knew when we started having sex, as harry got condoms under his pillow and my mother asked me to get on birth control. I don't know how they found out, but they did and was cool with the whole thing. My dad gave harry a stern speech about kicking his ass if harry got his daughter pregnant, but other than that they were very accepting of us as a couple.

His parents move further in, and Tina comes running into my arms «Taylor, omg it's been so long. I got the lead in the school play, and I made the debate team. Highschool is so much fun, I love it» she gushes. Tina is a freshman this year, and texted me all summer asking me about what it was like and how to fit in. Little did she know I was bullied and didn't fit in at all, but I tried to give some good advice at least. «I'm so happy for you Tina, I'm sure you're going to do amazing» I greet her before I awkwardly greet harry.

Harry goes in for a hug and I can't help my reaction, I stand there as a stiff board and breath out when he moves further into the room so I can greet the next person.

Everyone moves into the dining room and start taking their seats, but as I'm about to walk further up the table Harrys mom Lauren points to the chair next to harry «do you want to sit closer to us darling, it's been so long since we have talked to you» she says, and I can't exactly turn her down in front of all these people. tugging on Austin's sleeve I make him sit on the other side of me while I take a seat next to harry. His parents are on the other side of the table, as well as his sister. My parents are a few seats away from us at the head of the table. My mother is the host, so she has the main chair on the end while my dad sits beside her. At least I have Austin as a backup next to me.

Dinner is served and I am really anxious as I fill my plate with what I agreed with my therapist to get. We worked on portions on our last session so I would be ready for thanksgiving dinner. I knew it was coming but now that I'm sitting here it fucking sucks. my legs are itching to run out of this damn room and ditch dinner, but I know I can't. My parents are watching me like hawks looking for any signs that I'm messing with my food. even a little slip-up will get me a one-way ticket straight into more intensive therapy, most likely a hospital admission.

«Tell me Taylor, harry is talking about you two getting back together» Harry's dad says, and I almost choke on a piece of turkey. so he hasn't even told his parents the truth huh? Why can't he just tell his parents that I only want to be friends? Did he think that getting his parents to talk to me would change my mind? Because news flash, it won't. The only thing it will do is piss me off.

«We are not getting back together. I have a boyfriend» I tell him the truth. There is no need for me to brush over what reality is at the moment. Not to mention that I care too much about Harrys parents to lie to their faces. There really isn't a chance in hell for me to get back together with their son, and I don't want them to think there is a shot at all.

«Do you? That's not what harry told us. He said you were working on maybe getting back together, that it was only a matter of time» his mother adds, and I want to sink into the ground. Of course harry played it that way for his parents, after all that's what he wanted himself. Why tell them the actual truth when you have your own idea of the situation painted perfectly in your head. The problem with his narrative is that there is no way in hell its coming true.

«Her relationship with the new guy isn't serious, it's only a matter of time before they break up. So I wasn't lying mom» harry argues and I stomp my high heel on his foot. «My relationship with Joe is solid, and I'm not getting back together with you harry» I glare at him as he smiles smugly at me. I want to slap him; he is being a dick and clearly not apologetic about it either.

Turning back to his parents I take a deep breath «I'm sorry that he has told you a different story, and I'm sorry if you were expecting a different outcome. It's not fair on you that he told you something that's not true. But our breakup was final, we aren't getting back together. I've moved on» I tell his parents straight out, no room for interpreting it differently. The clearer I can be when I speak with them the better, I don't want anyone to assume I meant something else.

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