A Small Act of Kindness

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Zira's P.O.V.

I landed back onto our platform, placing the bag of Senzu in my pocket. Vegeta snickered at me, eyes narrowed. "Did you really just give a Senzu to that cheating bastard?" he said. I blinked, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "What? He looked pretty hurt. Whether he's on our side or not, I didn't want to leave him like that." I replied. 

"Did you not hear all the things he just admitted to?! He's not like your little pet, Frieza, over here," Frieza glared daggers at him for that little comment, "He's a dirty bastard who's hurt many others in his universe! Yet you still bothered to give him something he doesn't deserve." Vegeta stated. I frowned, looking away for a moment. Of course I knew what Frost did, and I knew what he was capable of. Even so, I didn't want to just ignore him....he still has that light, just like Frieza.

"Take it easy, Vegeta. You know her, she's just being nice." Goku replied. Piccolo closed his eyes, arms folded across his chest. "....I have heard a small act of kindness can be a big change for some people-"

"People like Frost and Frieza aren't some people." the Saiyan prince stated. He glared at Frieza after saying that, who held a surprisingly neutral expression. "And as for you, just what were you thinking fooling around like that? You could've gone golden from the beginning and just ended him. Why waste time messing around?" he demanded. Frieza smirked, giving a small shrug. "I merely wanted to see if he was worth my time. That's all." he replied innocently. Vegeta growled, not seeming satisfied in the slightest, however Frieza continued.

"Besides, I won, didn't I? Isn't that what matters? Now I'll back down, and leave you to have all the fun with the other competitors." he said. 

"He did fufill his end of the deal, Vegeta. You can't judge him too harshly for that, can you?" Whis replied. Beerus sighed, begrudingly nodding in agreement. "Yes, that much is true. Despite how he did it, he did win. Which means you better win these next few matches. Got it?" he stated harshly. Vegeta gave a swift glare to the destroyer before turning away. "Don't you worry, I don't plan on losing." he stated. 

"Uh, guys, what're they going to the arena?" Goku asked. That's when we all paused and looked in front of us, seeing that Vados and Champa were floating above the arena, setting up a strange green enclosure on it. While it was the size of the arena, it's cube shape created a much tighter space for any flying. 

"Hey! What the hell?!" Beerus growled. He immediately flew towards the two, with Whis following him with a small sigh. I gave a small sigh of my own. There's still so much of this tournament left, and I'm not looking forward to it. It's already been plenty stressful as it is; I could barely sit still while watching Frost and Frieza fight. But at least Frieza won't have to fight anymore. My eyes started to wander throughout the dome, scanning the area mindlessly....until I looked to Champa's platform, where the competitiors sat.

Frost was gone. 

My eyes widened, and I gave a quick scan around, but didn't see the blue alien anywhere. "Hmm...." I immediately started to get a bad feeling. Frieza seemed to notice, raising a brow.

"Zira? Is something the matter?" he asked. I narrowed my eyes, glancing at the destroyers above. They seemed to be bickering again, endlessly trying to do rock-paper-scissors. They'd be distracted for a little while....

"....I'll be right back. I'll only be a moment." With that said, I jumped off the platform and went towards the floor, all with Frieza eyeing me suspiciously. Truth is, I felt the need to hurry. Because Frost's seat wasn't the only one that was empty....

Frost's P.O.V.

I panted hard as I climbed over the red rock, my lungs burning from the long trek. Once I was at the top of a hill, I glanced behind me, seeing the dome at a far distance, but more importantly I wasn't being followed. Then I looked to in front of me, smirking to myself. In a crater below me was the mountain of treasure Champa had promised us, as well as the exehydron he used to transport us here. 

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