Continuing the Party

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Beerus's P.O.V.

The two boys stared at me in fear, seemingly unsure of how to react. Vegeta just stared at me, petrified. As the water started to seep into my clothes, I couldn't help but clench my fists tightly, giving a low growl. Whis blinked.

"Oh my, are you angry, my lord?" 

" I look angry?"

"Well, yes."

My form started to tremble with fury as my vision slowly, but surely became clouded in red. "No, Whis, I wouldn't say I'm angry.....FURIOUS IS MORE LIKE IT-"

I stopped mid-sentence at something soft and fluffy being thrown at my face, blinding me momentarily. I blinked, my anger quickly being replaced with confusion, and I pulled the fabric off my face. I looked down to see it was a pink towel, with purple stitching along the edges. "What the....?" I murmured. Vegeta and the two boys also looked at him in surprise.

"You get angry too easily," we all looked to the sky, seeing Zira fly down towards us, carrying a plate with beverages on it, "It's just a bit of water. It'll dry up, especially in this heat. Even so, I figured that towel would help." she said. For some reason, I couldn't help but just stare at her bewilderment as she came closer, landing beside me. I was honestly just shocked with how she handled the situation. I couldn't even respond when she took my clenched fist, opened the hand, and placed a cold beverage in it.

"Here, I brought some punch. It's tastes really yummy and fruity. I'm sure you'll like it." she stated. Silence. That was all I had. Even Whis looked surprised as she handed him his beverage as well. Zira looked to the two boys, placing one hand on her hip.

"And boys, you know Bulma said to be careful with those water guns. I don't think he was very happy being sprayed with water, you know." she stated. Both boys frowned, looking down with guilty expressions. "W-We didn't mean to. It was an accident, we swear!" the boy with the black spiky hair stated. Zira gave a small smile, nodding understandingly. 

"I know, I'm sure it wasn't on purpose. But, I still think you should apologize to Beerus here, right?" she said. Both boys nodded, quickly rushing towards me before bowing. "We're so sorry, Beerus! It won't happen again!" they stated in sync. I blinked, still somewhat trying to process what just happened. Vegeta seemed speechless, frozen like a statue. I can't tell if he was relieved or even more scared. For a moment I could only stare in silence before Whis nudged my shoulder.

"Lord Beerus? I believe these boys just apologized to you."

"Oh, uh, yes," I cleared my throat and finally spoke, "Well, considering it was an accident, I suppose I can let this slide this one time. But you two better not spray me again or you'll regret it, got it?" I said. I tried to sound stern, but I didn't feel like that's how it came off. Both boys nodded. 

"Yes sir!"

"Alright boys, you can run along now. But be careful not to spray anyone else." Zira replied. With that said, the boys took off towards the party, continuing their little spray off. As soon as they were gone, Vegeta rushed to Zira.

"What- I don't understand- how did you do that?!" he whisper-yelled. Zira blinked innocently, seemingly confused. "What do you mean? I saw Beerus get sprayed, so I brought him a towel. That's all." she replied. "NO! I mean, I just- how could you know-"

"You should really relax. This is a party, it's suppose to be fun." Zira stated. She snatched the plate of takoyaki he held and gently pushed him away. "Now go enjoy yourself. I'll keep Lord Beerus company, if you don't mind, that is?" Zira said, glancing at me. I glanced at her for a moment before nodding, drying one of my ears with the towel. "Yes, that'll be fine. You're off the hook, Saiyan prince." I stated. Vegeta blinked, hesitating to leave before finally walking away. Once he was gone Whis smiled. 

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